Chapter 13

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"Angie, hey. Its morning." Steve nudges her shoulder gently to wake her up.

"What?" she yawns, until suddenly remembering the events of last night, "Where the hell am I?"

"My house."

She inspects the sheets of the unfamiliar mattress, "Is this your bed?"

"Yeah, it-"

"We didn't sleep in the same bed, did we?"

"No, no, no." he instantly waves that thought away as he gestures to the makeshift bed on the rug, "I slept on the floor, gave you the bed."

"Thanks," she groans lowly as she swings her legs over the side of the bed, grabbing her jacket off of a chair in the corner.

"That managed to be the one thing not stained with blood." Steve points out as she slowly puts it on.

"Hm... Shit! I need to get home! Eddie's probably worried sick!"

"I-It's okay. Whoa, slow down."

"Slow down? I haven't been home for two days, Steve."

"That's not a normal thing at your house?"

"No!" she slips her shoes on, "You forget I have no friends."

"Had no friends." he hands her hair tie back to her.

"Right, had." she lazily throws her hair into a low ponytail, several pieces still hanging around her face, "That's still new to me."

"Well... come on." he snatches his keys off of the kitchen counter, "Let's get going then."


Angie limps up the steps leading to the door.

"Are you sure you don't need some help?" he calls from his car.

"I'm still a strong independent woman, Steve." she grabs the spare key that's hidden under the last cement block.


"I'll be fine, Steve. You can go, now."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just-"

"Angie!" Eddie calls, spotting her only a couple steps through the door, "You haven't been home in days."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I was-"

"Holy shit! What happened to your leg?" he scans over her body for more injuries.

"I uh... got attacked by a dog." she explains vaguely. 

It technically wasn't a lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth either. She may have left out a few parts.

"How are we even gonna- Doesn't matter." Eddie throws her into an embrace, "I'm just glad you're okay."

He sways her around, so she's facing the open front door. She makes eye contact with Steve and gives him a thumbs up, signaling that it's okay for him to head home.

After he drives off, Eddie admits his troubles, "I even called that Byers house looking for you. The first time somebody answered, but they immediately hung up, so I just called again. The weirdest thing though, the second time, the whole line just died."

"W-Wow." she gulps, knowing her brother's ignorance to the damage he could've caused the party, "That- that is some totally weird shit, Ed."

"I know. Then..."

Then, Eddie talked her ear off the whole morning until Hopper came to deliver her to a proper hospital (Making sure to pull a few strings to get it all done for free.)

Angelica "Freak Two" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now