Chapter 32

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Angie waltzes into the entry of the Hawkins Public Pool and places her bag in a cubby behind the counter. Almost instantly, she adapts to the work environment.

Heather spots her from the lifeguard tower and waves. When Angie doesn't notice, focused on organizing the messy quarters, Heather blows her whistle and calls for a break.

Everyone reluctantly gets out of the pool, and a crowd of children come running to the counter to buy snacks.

Angie tends to them quickly as they all yell out orders, "Wait your turn. One at a time."

When the children don't listen, she blows her own whistle and watches as they freeze in their spots.

"Now, I want you to make a single file line and wait patiently. I'll get to you when I get to you."

The children, mildly scared, rush into a straight line. Angie smiles triumphantly and resumes taking their snack orders.

Heather struts behind the counter, "You really do have a way with kids."


"You're just bossy. Don't take too much pride in it." Billy sneers, stepping over Angie to steal a bag of chips.

"Don't be a dick– Hey! You have to pay for those. You can't just eat them."

"Why? I work here, so I should get free snacks."

"Take your genius idea up to the Boss, and then we'll talk. For now, it's coming out of your paycheck."

"You're such an ass, Munson."

She only grins and returns to the sweet girl buying candy.

"I'd like to confirm that she is great with kids."


"If she can keep your ass in line, she's great with kids."

"Hey!" Billy throws a bag of skittles at her hard enough to threaten her but not actually hurt her.

"Billy! No throwing the merchandise! We've talked about this."

"No, you talked, and I pretended to listen."

Angie glares at him as she catches the bag of skittles Heather tries to throw back, "Clearly."

Heather checks her watch and sighs, "I should probably get back out there. You'll come get me in 15 minutes, though, right?"

Angie opens her mouth to respond, but Billy cuts her off, "I've got the next shift."

The girls follow his lustful gaze to the group of pampering moms.

"That's gross."

"Real mature, Hargrove."

Billy only winks and sits back down.

Heather struts back over to the tower, making sure to groan in disgust as she feels Billy's eyes on her ass.

Angie opens a small book and reads a page or two before realizing Billy hasn't moved a muscle.

"Quit staring, Hargrove."

"Mind your own damn business, Munson."

She smacks his arm with the book, which causes him to ready a retaliation.

Angie points warningly, "You know the rules."

He only groans, knowing she's right, and sulks back into his chair.

"Hi, I'd like to pick up an application." Angie states, steadying herself on the counter.

"Oh ,goody, the freak wants to work with me. That's really sweet but not necessary."

Angelica "Freak Two" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now