Chapter 37

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Steve's eyes flutter open when his alarm rings from his room. The faint noise he's accustomed to doesn't seem to faze Angie in the slightest.

It takes a moment for him to adjust to his surroundings and realize the current situation.

Angie is deep sleeping. Her breathing is heavy and slow as she rests. His torso is clasped by her firm grip, and her head is propped perfectly in the nook of his arm.

"She's still so perfect." He thinks to himself. It takes his breath away as he considers the image before him and their current situation.

Angie would be even more panicked than he felt at that moment if she woke up and saw them like this. She's been so careful to respect his wishes, and he appreciates that so much. In all honesty, it's almost frustrating for her to respect the rules so much. Steve quickly found himself hoping that she would slip up and give him an excuse to be close to her.

Steve would never voice these thoughts, but he longed for stolen moments like these. They reminded him what the pain and suffering was for. Her.

He allowed himself one more moment to cherish her peaceful presence, memorizing every inch so he had a perfect memory to daydream about.

Steve carefully slid out from underneath her. As she lightly stirred, he moved even slower, not wanting to wake her just yet. When he's fully free, he covers her with the blanket and tiptoes up to his room to prepare for work.

After quickly getting ready, he dances his way to the kitchen to fill his signature water bottle.

In his focused state, he almost doesn't notice a sleepy Angie mope into the kitchen to observe.

"What time is it?" She asks groggily.

No matter how hard she tries, she can never be a true morning person.

He glances at his clock, "06:23,"

"That's too damn early." She whines and rubs her eyes once more.

"Well, I have to be at the mall by 7:30."

"You've still got an hour, Steve."

"Yes, but I like to run by the food court for breakfast."

"Why don't you just cook here-" Angie swings the cabinet doors open to find various bare shelves, "Oh,"

"Yeah, oh," He messes her hair playfully as he searches for his keys.

"Do we have time to swing by my house first?" She begins looking for her shoes, "I need a fresh change of clothes."

"We can..." Steve scratches his hair beneath his sailors cap, "but I still have easily a-a third of your wardrobe in my closet upstairs."


Because their breakup was so sudden and in the mess of everything else going on, they never went through the ritualistic returning of left items.

It's also probably because neither one of them wanted to admit that it was over, let alone over for good.

Steve leads Angie back upstairs to his room and swings his closet door open. To Angie's surprise, her clothes weren't stuffed into a box in the top corner. In fact, her clothes were neatly folded, and a few were left hanging next to his everyday wear.

"Here you go," He awkwardly presents her clothes to her, "I um," He claps his hands together to gather himself, "You can have the bedroom to change and I'm sure you can find anything you would need in the bathroom. It's uh, it's a similar situation to this in there, so... so I'll just wait in the car until you're ready."

Angelica "Freak Two" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now