Chapter 6

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There's one thing that Angie's always been at fault for, she never can help it. As little time as she spends in cars, she's always been put to sleep by car rides. According to her uncle Wayne, its how he put her to sleep when he first got her. Ever since, the hum of a vehicle has always put her right to sleep.

Its quiet in the car after Steve shushed Dustin so Angie could sleep. Every now and then, he'll look over to the passenger side to make sure she wasn't woken up by a sound or bump in the road.

"Wait a sec, how big?" Steve whispers to Dustin.

"At first it was like that." he gestures in the rearview mirror, "Now he's like this."

"I swear to God, man, its just some little lizard, okay?"

"Its not a lizard."

"How do you know?"

"How do I know if its not a lizard?" he asks in disbelief.

"How do you know its not just a lizard?"

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat."

"What ate your cat?" Angie mutters groggily.

When he doesn't respond, she gets her answer.

"You kept Dart, didn't you?" she sighs, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to wipe away the sleepiness. "Dustin..."

"Who's Dart?"

"His stupid little pet from the Upside Down that apparently ate his cat because he didn't listen when we told him to get rid of it." she seethes.

"He wanted to come home. He-"

"Don't bullshit me, Henderson." Angie groans as she regains a comfortable position, "I don't have enough energy to deal with bullshit, right now."

A few minutes later, they pull up behind the Henderson house. Steve tosses Angie his keys to place in the pocket of her bomber jacket. He pops the trunk to reveal the bat they spoke of at the Wheeler's.

The older two of the group look over the cellar door that Dustin claims holds Dart in containment.

"I don't hear shit."

"Me either." Angie concludes, gazing upon the door.

"He's in there." Dustin mutters.

Angie puffs the air out her cheeks before shrugging, "Alright,"

Harrington hits the door lightly with the tip of the bat.

"Don't be a fucking wimp, Harrington. Just open it."

"Well, if you're so brave, you open it."

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm not bailing you out of this one. Its your scary bat, so man up and use it."

He smacks the metal again, still unsure when he hears nothing, "All right, listen, kid. I swear if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead."

"Its not."


"Its not a prank," Dustin swats at the flashlight, "Get that out of my face."

"You're gonna fucking blind the kid, Harrington. Lower the flashlight."

Steve sighs as he does what she says, "You got a key for this thing?"

"No, just gotta pull the doors open."

Harrington grabs one door as Angie grabs the other.

They guide the flashlights down into the cellar but don't see anything.

Angelica "Freak Two" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now