Chapter 57

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After giving Angie a moment alone, Eddie decides to go check on her.

Placing his magazine back on the side table, he slowly waltzes up to her door and knocks, "Ange?"

He hears a faint sniffle, "Yeah?" She responds softly.

He takes that as an okay to open her door and allow himself in.

She quickly wipes away her tears as she fumbles with her half-packed bag.

He leans against the doorway with his arms crossed, "How are you feeling?"

Angie grins dryly, "Like shit."

"Right..." He nods, feeling stupid for asking, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," She mumbles, fidgeting with her hands.

Eddie observes her carefully before leaning away from the wall. He grasps her shoulder and leads her to sit down on the bed, "Well, why don't you tell me about it anyways."

She sighs as he sits next to her, "Okay."

"Look... I'm not really sure what happened in the mall the day of the fire or the 3 days before when you didn't come home... but I do know that you lost some pretty important people that day– Now, you don't have to tell me anything if you really don't want to, but I think we should at least talk about the ones... we lost." He places an arm around her shoulder, "It's important that we talk about their deaths so we don't forget them– so their memory can live on through us."

She nods, holding in a sob, "I just... I just can't believe that they're actually gone."

He places his head on hers, rubbing a comforting hand across her arm.

"Hopper, he– he got me out of trouble so many times. He was always there to protect me when Uncle Wayne couldn't. And I feel terrible because I overlooked how much he meant to me until he was gone. I– I should've told him at least once how grateful I was to have him looking out for me." She cries, "And– and Billy he–"

"I know." Eddie reassures her, "I overheard you talking to Steve. You don't... have to put yourself through that again."

She nods softly, her lip quivering, "I don't know if I can do this, Eddie. I've never felt a loss like this. Everyone else who left chose to leave, and somehow, that made it hurt... less." She sobs, holding her hands close to her chest, "I just– I don't know how to cope with something like this."

Eddie places a soft kiss on her temple, "It's gonna be okay, sis." He squeezes a little tighter, "We're gonna figure this out together."

She allows him to hold her as they sit in silence. One thought kept repeating, occupying her mind: How can he help her figure it out if he doesn't know the half of it?

And, although it seemed inconvenient in times like this, Angie liked to keep it that way. She never wanted Eddie to get wrapped up in that part of her world. It wasn't safe.

"Hey, Eddie?" She speaks softly after the long moments of silence.



Her voice is interrupted by the obnoxious knocking at the front door.

Eddie flashes her a look, telling her to stay there whilst he checks it out.

She peaks her head up as she hears the door open.

"Excuse me, you can't just barge in here." Eddie exclaims, clearly annoyed.

"Well, it's not like I'm here for you, dingus. I'm here for Angie." Angie tips her head up with a small smile, "Now go find something else to occupy yourself with– listen to some trash music or something."

Angelica "Freak Two" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now