Chapter 33

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"So what's the plan?" Angie throws her belongings into the coat closet.

"Well, we're going to hide in his mom's room– she gave us permission– and then when Dustin gets into his room, we're going to quickly put up the banner that Will made. After that, El is going to make all of his toys go absolutely crazy. She'll lead him out here because he loves a good mystery. Then, boom, we surprise him."

"I love it. Let's do it." She smiles, excited to see him again.

Max watches out the window and warns everyone to hide when their car pulls into the driveway, "Go, go!"

Little did they know that Dustin would arrive armed with hairspray.

When everyone yelled, "Surprise!" Lucas got a face full of it.

"Oh, shit. Shit!" Angie grabs Lucas by the arm and rushes him to the sink, "Max do you think you can help him get this out? You just keep rinsing until it stops burning."

"Y-Yeah, okay. I can do that." She takes over for Ange so she can take the time to interact with Dustin and make the event more centered around him.

"Hey, Dust. I've missed you." Angie pulls him in for a hug, which he reciprocates instantly.

"I'm glad you're back. You were off the grid when I left." He whispers to keep the conversation private.

"Yeah, it was just a momentary lapse in judgment– but I'm here to stay. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

"How's Steve?" He asks, noticing his closest friend isn't present.

"H-He's um, he's working."

"He got the job?"

"Yeah– we can go see him later. I-I mean, if you'd like." She mentally facepalms at her stuttering.

"Still rough territory. Got it." He notes and releases from the hug, "I have so many cool inventions to show you guys. Come, come."

They rush into his room, so Dustin can show off what he did at camp. He begins to dig into a duffle bag and pulls out various inventions.

"I call it... the Forever Clock. Oh– and this is the Slammer." He laughs at his own creativity, "Pretty neat, huh?"

Angie tries her hardest to look enthusiastic because of the serious lack of interest the other kids are showing.

"But this is my masterpiece. I would like you to meet... Cerebro."

"What exactly are we looking at here?" Mike questions in almost disgust.

Dustin doesn't seem to notice and continues excitedly, "An unassembled one-of-a-kind battery-powered radio tower."

"So," Will struggles to comprehend, "it's a... a ham radio."

"The Cadillac of ham radios. This baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances– I'm talking North Pole to South." He shrugs proudly, "I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose."

"Girlfriend?" They all ask in sync.

"Dustin, that's great!" Angie encourages.

The others don't seem so convinced.

"Her name is Suzie?"

"Suzie with a 'z'. She's from Utah." Dustin swings about his house.

"Girls go to science camp?"

Angie can't help but laugh a little, which displeases Dustin momentarily.

"Suzie does. She's a genius."

Angelica "Freak Two" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now