"I found some frozen peas." Eddie states with the bag in hand, "This is a narly bruise, sis." He gently places the pack onto her left eye which had begun to swell again overtime.
"Yeah, I know," She takes it from his grasp, "but it'll heal."
"I just can't believe that those bastards came to the house." He runs his hands through his hair. Angie realizes that its something Steve also does all the time, so it reminds her of a few nights ago. She covers up her smile with the package of peas as the safe familiar feeling of his lips on her own overwhelms her again.
"I just can't comprehend how you're so calm about this." Eddie exclaims, briefly stopping his cooking to use grand hand gestures.
"I mean, let's be honest," she clears her throat, desperately needing some water, "I probably deserved it- the shit I've given them for years." Her head bows down towards the kitchen tile.
"Don't do that."
"Don't say that you deserved it." He finishes cooking the eggs and makes her a plate as he talks, "Tommy and his‐ his goons they deserved it. All of the shit you gave them... You were just sticking up for the people who couldn't."
"But doesn't that make me just as bad as Tommy?" She shrinks deeper into her grey sweatshirt.
"No," Eddie responds instantaneously, his mouth full of food, "You were being a shit to someone that bullies innocent people. It cancels out."
His logic didn't seem completely off; however, it didn't calm her soul much.
"Sure, bro," she grabs her plate of food, leaving the peas behind, "You're gonna be late for work."
"I've got a little bit." He shrugs, checking the cheap watch upon his wrist, "Work doesn't start until 7:30."
She kisses his head with a chuckle as she lightly kicks her door open, "It's 7:15."
"No, it's only-"
Angie points to the clock upon the back wall of the kitchen with a look saying, "Are you sure?"
He turns to where her finger is pointing before gazing back and forth between that clock and his watch, "Shit! My watch is broken again!"
Eddie scrambles the food into his mouth, grabbing a coat on the way out, "Bye, sis, love you!"
"Wait!" She giggles after him, "Give me the watch."
"But I need it to tell the time!"
"It's broken, dipshit. We always knew I was the smart one."
"Yeah, yeah," he groans, when she ruffles his hair.
"I'll give it to Uncle Wayne if he gets back tonight."
They part ways, but Angie decides to add something last minute.
"Hey, Ed!" She curses loudly when she almost trips over a chair, "Make sure you check a mirror before you see those pretty ladies at the theater. You're hair could use some touching up."
"You're face could use some touching up, you little shit!" He yells before speeding off to work on his bike.
Angie begins to settle back into her room, almost taking a bite of her bacon, when there's a knock on her window.
She places her plate on the bedside table and tiptoes over to the glass pane. When she guides the curtains to the side, her cautious expression pulls widely into a smile. It's Steve, and he's grinning just as widely as she is on the other side of the glass.

Angelica "Freak Two" Munson
Fanfiction"Hey, Harrington!" she reverses against her heel, flipping him the bird, "The names Freak Two, actually. If you're gonna insult me, you might as well do it right." ---------- Angelica Beatrice Munson, aka "Freak Two" is Eddie Munson's younger sister...