Chapter 65

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Angie walks up to the payphone as Dustin angrily yells into it, "You're just jealous because I have another older male friend."

"Hey, Dustin!" She shouts after him, "Is that Steve?"

"Yeah, here–" He begins to hand the phone over as Steve interrupts him.

"Oh, I have some customers. I'll call you back."

"No, Steve!" He tries, "It's–"

He turns to Angie with a sigh, "He hung up."

"Ugh," Angie rolls her eyes, "Of course he did." She pauses as Dustin huffs, "What did you need him for?"

"Because apparently, you suck at sweet talking your brother." He whines, "He's not postponing."

She hisses a little as she inhales with a shrug, "I did try to warn you."

"Yeah, well, " he huffs, "Now, we're stuck trying to find a replacement for Lucas."

"Why didn't Steve agree?" She asks with a sudden burst of curiosity.

"He said he was gonna try to get tickets to the game after his shift so you guys could go."

Angie smiles in delight, "How sweet of him." She mutters under her breath.

"Yeah, yeah." Dustin glares, "How sweet of him." He mocks.

She scoffs softly, "Don't mock me."

"Don't–" he cuts himself off, "You know what, I don't have time for this." He turns, looking for another student to bother, "I need to keep looking."

She waves at him a bit smuggly, enjoying the dose of banter.

Spinning back around, she places her quarter in the machine and dials his work number.

She fiddles with his class ring as she waits for him to answer.

After the first couple of rings, she assumes he's still with customers but, nonetheless, taps her foot impatiently on the concrete.

For a moment, she starts to think that he won't answer. As soon as she starts to place the phone back onto the slots, his voice rings out in her ear, "Home Video, this is Steve speaking."

"Hey," she smiles.

He leans against the counter, immediately engrossed in the conversation, "Hey, beautiful. What's up?"

Angie places a cold hand to her face as she feels herself blush a little.

"So, I was wondering if you were free tonight."

"In fact, I am."

"Well, the championship game is tonight, and Lucas gave me a couple of tickets." She twirls the cord softly as she leans against the brick wall, "I was hoping we could make it a date." She waits hesitantly.

He chuckles softly, "You know, I would love that– I was actually going to get some tickets after my shift, but it looks like you did that job for me."

"Great, so I'll see you there?"

"Yeah, I get off early tonight anyways because Keith had a doctor's appointment or something."

"Steve," she scolds mildly.


"Just because Keith won't be there doesn't mean that you get a free pass to leave early." She giggles, a prominent smile on her face.

"Well, it's never stopped me before." He shrugs, "Plus, I'll be there earlier to pick you up. Maybe we can get ice cream or something on the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2024 ⏰

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