"Hey! You look like you're surfing!"
Steve tries to balance on the rolling cart, "Surfing! Yeah! Yeah!"
"They seem drunk."
"We've already been over this." Angie sighs with her hand pinching the bridge of her nose, "They're not drunk. They're drugged."
"I'm a natural!" He yells, "Check it out!"
Robin yanks the cart out from underneath him, and he goes crashing to the floor next to Angie, "Wipeout!"
They both giggle like lunatics as the others sit in disgust.
Angie leans over to Steve and places her hand on his head, "He's burning up."
"Your hand feels nice." He mumbles, "It's so cold."
Dustin steps in for her and tries to fisher examine him.
He protests as Dustin reaches for his eye, "God, no."
"One sec, one sec." He tries to fight it, "Steve, Steve."
"Ow!" He whines.
"His pupils are super dilated."
Steve boops Dustin's nose playfully, but it doesn't ease his concern.
"I'm fine."
"Are you gonna die on us?"
Angie's stomach drops at the mere thought of it. Why is she okay? What did she do differently? What if he does die?
Robin doesn't hesitate to jump in, "We all die, my strange little child friend. It's just a matter of how... and when."
Dustin shakes it off, although disturbed by the idea, "They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car."
Steve's eyes get wide, "Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?"
"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick."
They two smile at the thought.
"Guys," Angie sits up, "We don't really have time for snacks."
"Yes, we do!" Robin pouts as an argument breaks out.
"No, we don't."
"Yes, we—"
"Both of you stop it!" Dustin waves his hands in front of them, "This isn't helping anything." He gives a comforting gaze to Angie before addressing the drugged teens, "All right. Yeah, we can get food. You can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked."
"The car's off the board." Steve mumbles, eyes wide.
"They took the keys." He slurs, "The Russians, they took the keys."
Robin giggles childishly.
"They took them, like, forever ago." He chuckles, "That's a bummer, right?"
"Gosh, Steve." Angie whines with her head in her hands, "Can you please just get it together?"
He pats his hands across his body, "I am together. I– I'm one piece. How– How am I supposed to get together?"
Angie shakes her head, chuckling lightly with tears in her eyes, "Nevermind. You're right. That was silly of me."

Angelica "Freak Two" Munson
Fanfiction"Hey, Harrington!" she reverses against her heel, flipping him the bird, "The names Freak Two, actually. If you're gonna insult me, you might as well do it right." ---------- Angelica Beatrice Munson, aka "Freak Two" is Eddie Munson's younger sister...