"Bald Eagle, do you copy?" Dustin mutters into the Cerebro after connecting it to the large machine, "Bald Eagle, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop. Do you copy?"
Bauman's voice rings out, tension still lacing his tone, "Yes, I copy."
They all share a laugh, happy that at least one part of their plan has been deemed successful.
"Call sign?"
Murray sighs, "Bald Eagle."
"Please repeat." Dustin draws on.
"Bald Eagle." He repeats loudly, "This is Bald Eagle!"
"Copy that. It's good to hear your voice, Bald Eagle." He smiles, "What's your 20?"
"We reached the vent." He mutters in annoyance, "I'll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence."
"Roger that, Bald Eagle. This is Scoops Troop, going radio silent. 10-10, over."
Steve proudly pats Dustin on the back, "Good job, kid."
"Now what?" Erica asks as they all sink to the ground in a circle.
"Now we wait." Dustin shrugs, watching the line intensely.
"I hate waiting." Robin mutters, impatiently picking at a blade of grass.
As Angie settles, Steve takes a moment to walk across the nearby meadow to clear his head and prepare himself for the battle to come.
After a few long minutes, Bauman's voice rings through the static, "Scoops Troop, this is... hm–" he hesitates, "Bald Eagle. I've reached another junction."
"This is what?"
"The fourth junction." Erica states.
"Alright, so if memory serves, this is right after the My Little Pony thesis. We went left–"
"So he has to go right."
"Right." He concurs, "Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right!"
"Roger that, flying right."
"What's the My Little Pony thesis?" Robin questions, looking between Dustin and Erica.
"Don't get him started." She glares.
"Get him started? Just tell me–"
"Hey, guys?" Steve's voice echos from a few feet away. He gazes ominously across the distance.
The others, led by Angie, come rushing over to his side to get a better look.
Starcourt is blazing with flashing colors.
"That can't be good." Angie mumbles under her breath as they speed back to the Cerebro.
"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!" Dustin yells into the machine, fear coating his voice, "Griswold Family, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop. Do you–"
He pauses, an unfamiliar shriek interrupting him.
They share an equal look of panic as Dustin continues to shout, "Griswold Family, do you copy? Do you copy?!" He pauses, "Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Please confirm your safety!"
The creature roars, which does nothing to settle their stomachs.
"Please confirm your safety! Are you en route to Bald Eagle's nest?" His eyes prick with tears, "Someone, please just answer. Is anyone there? Just answer! Anyone, please! Do you copy?!"
"Shit!" Angie runs her hands through her knotted curls, "What are we gonna do?"
She looks to Steve first for an answer.
He doesn't bother to look at her before he dashes down the hill.
"Where are you going?" Erica shouts after him.
"To get them the hell out of there!" He continues down the hill, "Stay here, contact the others!"
"Wait! Steve!" Angie rushes after him.
"What are you doing? Get back up there."
"I'm going with you." She states firmly.
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am, Steve."
"No." He places his hands on her shoulders, "You're safer up here."
"So are you!" She battles, "I'm not letting you go back there by yourself."
"I'm not going to risk your safety." He stops and licks his lips hesitantly, "I need you to still be here when I get back."
"If you get back." She corrects, "What if something bad happens to you because I'm not there to help you? Hm? I'm not taking that chance. I'm coming with you."
A moment later, before Steve can defend himself, Robin comes chopping down the hill, Cerebro in hand.
"What are you doing?" He sighs, already sure of the answer.
"I'm coming with you." She states clearly.
"No–" he scoffs.
"I can't let you do something stupid without me." She mumbles almost playfully.
"Fine." He mutters, hopping into the driver's seat, "Get in."
Before Robin can fully get settled, he's speeding in reverse.
As Steve accelerates, Angie tries to control her panic.
"Can you go any faster?" She whines loudly.
"Faster? I'm already going 80 miles an hour!" He exclaims, "This car can't go much faster!"
"These are our kids– our family, Steve!" She shouts.
"You think I don't know that?" He argues, "I'm scared shitless, going 85 down the highway! If a cop saw me right now, I'd lose my fucking license!"
Angie slumps slightly in defeat, knowing her emotions got the best of her, "Can you at least put your seat belt on?"
He sighs and mutters a yes, buckling himself in.
Robin doesn't say a word, but they can both hear the faint click of her seat buckle.
As they grow close to their destination, loud pulses can be heard from behind the trees.
"Are those gunshots?" Robin questions, leaning forward to look out the window.
"Nancy." Angie mutters almost inaudibly, "Steve," she calls.
"I'm already on it." He speeds even further, swerving into the Starcourt parking lot.
She can spot a car charging at a female figure with a gun outright.
As they race forward to collide with the already beaten car, Angie braces for impact.
Mere seconds before the charging car collides, Steve rams the Toddfather into the unknown vehicle.
Angie shakes her head slightly, trying to dismiss the effects of the impact so she can assess the scene.
The other car begins to spark in flames, the driver out cold... for now.
Steve turns to the girls, "Are you guys okay?"
Robin stares and attempts to joke, "Ask me tomorrow?"
"Ask her first." Angie mumbles in return.
He opens his mouth to respond when he spots the massive creature spanning the roof of the mall.
"Holy shit!" Robin exclaims in awe and fear.
"I'm gonna take a guess and say that's the Mind Flayer Mike was talking about." Angie stands, ready to leap from the vehicle.
They all jerk at the sound of a car horn raging closely. The others pull up to the passenger side.
Nancy shouts, "Get in!"
Not one of them hesitates to pile in the back next to the others.

Angelica "Freak Two" Munson
Fanfiction"Hey, Harrington!" she reverses against her heel, flipping him the bird, "The names Freak Two, actually. If you're gonna insult me, you might as well do it right." ---------- Angelica Beatrice Munson, aka "Freak Two" is Eddie Munson's younger sister...