Angie runs up across the lawn, her bike long discarded on the pavement.
She bangs on the door loudly, not stopping for a moment, "Steve! Steve!"
He throws the door open, "Angie? What are you doing here? It's almost one in the morning, and you're... in your pajamas."
"I'm so so sorry," She barges through the door.
"Just let yourself in, I guess."
"I couldn't sleep at all. Something is seriously going on here."
"Yeah, we cracked the Russian code, and it's coming from the mall."
"Wait, what?"
"That's not what you're talking about?" He furrows his brows.
"No, I'm talking about the pool."
"What happened at the pool?"
"It's Billy."
"Oh, Goody." He waves sarcastically.
"No, something was wrong. He was wearing a shirt!"
"That's your big concern? That you couldn't see his abs?"
"And he was super sweaty."
"It's like 85⁰ outside."
"And he was super pale a-and the sun burned him!"
"That's kinda what the sun does, Ange. Are you okay?" He pushes his hand to her face to feel for a fever.
"Oh, and he was hot!" She shoves his concerned hand away.
"No, I touched him, and it burned my hand. See?" She shoves her left hand into his face, but he can't see from the lights being off.
"Hold on," He flips the light on and takes another look, "Holy shit, Ange! This is blistering."
"I know! It hurt like hell, actually, but it's nothing like his."
"How so?"
"It was blistering and bloody, and he was completely fine before his shift. That can't happen, right?"
"I-I mean, I don't think so."
"And he was acting super strange. He wouldn't even look at me or talk to me. I could barely get him to show emotion."
"It's Billy Hargrove! He's probably just in a funk."
"This is more than a funk, Steve! I've never seen him like this. The only time I could even get him to look in my direction, he spit in my face, and it was like nothing I've ever seen. You have to believe me, Steve."
"Come here, sit down." He guides her to the couch to take a seat, "What exactly are you saying?"
"It was like–" She cuts herself off when she sees the look on his face, "You have to believe me, okay? You have to trust me."
"Look, I do trust you. It's just–"
"Please, Steve." Angie grabs both of his hands to gather his attention as she begs, "I need you to just listen to me... please."
He stares into her pleading eyes, "Okay, okay. What exactly are you implying?"
"It's like he wasn't even human anymore. When he looked into my eyes, I didn't see Billy a-and the feeling I got. It was the same feeling I got when Will stopped in that pasture. Something is wrong– and then, when I was on the tower, I saw Billy and Heather go back into the showers– because Billy was having a full of freak out– and they didn't come back. They disappeared."

Angelica "Freak Two" Munson
Fanfiction"Hey, Harrington!" she reverses against her heel, flipping him the bird, "The names Freak Two, actually. If you're gonna insult me, you might as well do it right." ---------- Angelica Beatrice Munson, aka "Freak Two" is Eddie Munson's younger sister...