Chapter One

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I walk through the Shire with Fili and Kili, heading towards the place that Gandalf told us all to meet, where the 15th member of our company lives. I hate being away from adad... This is only the second time since he took me in that I've been away from him for an extended period of time and I worry, despite knowing adad can handle himself.

"Lessrien, you're falling behind." Fili holds out his hand to me and I grab it. His gaze lingers on me. "You know we aren't ashamed of you being an elf, Lessrien, you don't have to hide your ears." Fili states, referring to the fact I have pulled up my hood.

"I know, Fili. I just don't trust strangers, my ears make it obvious that I'm a High Elf." I remind him and he nods.

"Very well, namadith." Fili pats my head before we continue on. I stay behind Fili and Kili, grabbing onto Kili's arm so I don't fall behind again.

He glances over shoulder with a soft smile. He pats my hand then takes it and puts it in his. I've been pretty clingy with Fili and Kili since they found me that night twelve years ago, but with Kili it's grown past that. I'm just not sure how far.

"Over there." Fili points to a green door. At the bottom of it I see the glowing rune. Approaching the door Fili bangs on it.

The door opens and a hobbit stands there and he sighs, exasperated. I wonder if the other's have already shown up and given this hobbit grief?


"And Kili."

"At your service!" They greet him cheerily. I am safely hidden behind him, thankful that I am unusually very short for an elf - especially a High Elf.

"You must be Mister Boggins!" Kili declares happily and I resist the urge to smack my forehead.

"No! You can't come in, you've come to the wrong house!" Mister Baggins goes to close the door but Kili and Fili both step in.

"What?! Has it been canceled?" Kili questions.

"No one told us." Fili states.

"Can... No, nothing's been canceled!" Mister Baggins replies, his frustration is pretty clear to me. What did Gandalf do or not do? I may have only met the wizard briefly as a child and just recently but I've known him long enough to know that he will do as he wishes, though I also know he has his reasons.

Such as the fact that he didn't turn around to come back for me when he noticed I was no longer on his horse, allowing Thorin to meet me and eventually come to call me his daughter.

"That's a relief!" Kili heads right into the house, as does Fili. I quietly follow them in.

"Careful with these, I just had them sharpened." Fili starts passing his blades off to Mister Baggins.

"It's nice, this place." Kili compliments as he looks around. "Did you do it yourself?"

", it's been in the family for years." Mister Baggins answers as Kili starts scraping the bottom of his boots on a piece of Mister Baggins's furniture.

"Fili, Kili!" I snap, getting Mister Baggins' attention. "You were not raised in a barn! Mister Baggins is our host, not our cleaning hand! Fili, take care of your own blades! Kili, clean your boots off outside! Both of you apologize to Mister Baggins!"

They both stare at me in shock for a moment before doing exactly what I told them to do. I turn to Mister Baggins and smile at him. "Hello Mister Baggins, I apologize for their lack of manners. Lessrien, at your service." I give him a respectful bow.

"It's a pleasure, Lessrien." He greets me as Kili comes back inside and follows his brother down the hallway.

"I am the younger one yet sometimes I feel like I'm the older one." I comment with a raised eyebrow. I see a small smile grace Mister Baggins' face. "Mister Baggins, I will allow you to take me through your beautiful home, I will reprimand my kin should they give you any more grief than they already have."

The Hobbit: Lessrien AncalimëWhere stories live. Discover now