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It's been a year and a half since we reclaimed Erebor, since I told Lessrien I loved her and promised her I would marry her. Today is the day I'm going to fulfill that promise.

I'm dressed in white robes that were made by Lessrien's elven kin in Rivendell and there is a crown atop my head. My hair has four braids in it, two on either side and some of it is pulled back. I haven't seen Lessrien since last night, as we agreed we would spend the day away from each other.

But I'm going insane not being around her. Everyday for the past year and a half there hasn't been a day we've been apart for more than a couple hours. I adjust the necklace around my neck again, as well as the crown on my head.

"Kili!" Fili scolds, smacking my hands away from my head. He sighs and looks me directly in the eye. "Not much longer and you'll get to see her and she will be your wife." He reminds me, knowing that my fidgeting is because I'm anxious being away from her.

"Is everyone here?" I ask him, trying to distract myself.

"Prince Legolas and his father just arrived." My mother answers and she steps into the room. I turn to her and she smiles at me, her eyes shining with teats. "Oh." She comes over and cups my face. "My beautiful boy!"

When amad arrived in Erebor with our kin she was tackled by all three of us. She cried and hugged and kissed all of us non-stop. We told her about everything that happened, earning ourselves a few scoldings but no one got it worse than Uncle did when we told mom about Laketown and the Dragon Sickness.

Then Lessrien and I told her we were getting married and what we planned on doing. Amad was immediately helping us do research into other marriage traditions and coming up with our own. She even told us that she knew the moment Lessrien came into our lives that she was going to be important in more ways than one. She also told us about her and our father, how the second she saw him she knew he was the one she was meant to be with.

I smile, placing my hands over my mother's. "I am so proud of you, Kili." She pulls my head down and kisses my forehead. "And I love seeing how happy you are." She steps back and gives me another once over.

"My beautiful, beautiful boy."



I stare at myself in the mirror, at the white dress that Lord Elrond had made for me. My eyes drift up to the circlet that rests on my head. My hair is down, my curls freely bouncy about my head, aside from two braids on either side of my head that are tied back. In my hair there are also white flowers.

There's a knock at the door. "Come in." I answer and adad steps into the room. I turn around, facing him. He looks up and pauses and I see tears shine in his eyes.

"You look absolutely stunning, Lessrien." Adad compliments. He comes over to me and cups my face. "It appears I blinked and the tiny, mischievous little girl I adopted went and grew up into a beautiful, strong young woman." He leans down and kisses my forehead. "And I couldn't be prouder."

"It's because of you, I am the person I am today, adad." I reply as his forehead rests against mine. "But I promise, 10 days from now or a 100 years from now, I will always be your little girl." Tears slide down his cheeks.

"Oh! Adad!" I laugh and hug him, his arms wrapping tightly around me, holding me as he used to when I was small.

He lets go and pulls something out of his pocket. "I made this specifically for this day." Adad holds up a necklace, the pendant is set with a small, pale blue gemstone. He puts it around my neck. "A promise, that no matter what may come or where your life takes you, I will always be there watching over you. I will never leave you, Lessrien."

The Hobbit: Lessrien AncalimëWhere stories live. Discover now