Chapter Nine

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When I woke this morning I found Lessrien curled up beside Fili. I hated waking her and she wasn't too pleased about it either. Her mood improved after she got some food in her belly. Thorin woke up soon after, waking everyone else and getting us to gather our supplies and head out. I tried to hide the fact that I know my wound has gotten worse and my overall health is declining because of it but I won't let it slow me down. Though, I'm sure Lessrien can tell, as she tossed me a few scolding glares and worried glances this morning.

"Lessrien, did you eat enough last night and this morning?" Uncle asks as her as we come up to the main channel of the river. People are lined up on both sides of it and there's a boat being loaded with supplies.

"Yes adad, I even packed a few things in a basket that one of the guards is loading onto the boat now."

"Quick thinking." Uncle compliments.

"Excuse me, but you do realize we're one dwarf short; where's Bofur?" Bilbo interjects.

"If he's not here we leave him behind." Uncle responds, continuing towards the boat.

"We have to, if we're to find the door before nightfall. We can risk no more delays." Balin explains as we reach the boat.

Everyone climbs on but Uncle stops me before I can. "Not you. We must travel with speed, you will slow us down." He tells me but this must be a joke.

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you."

"No." Uncle argues.

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." This can't be happening.

"Kili, stay here. Rest, join us when you're healed." Thorin lays his hand on my shoulder sympathetically, but I don't want his sympathy right now. He turns towards the boat and I look towards it, my brother and Lessrien look on in shock, Lessrien looks terrified and confused.

Oin steps into my view as he gets off the boat. "I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded."

"Kili!" Lessrien climbs off the boat. Thorin grabs her shoulder but she shoves his hand away and comes right over to me, wrapping her arms around me.

I hug her tightly and wave Oin off as he's trying to look me over. "Uncle we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can not take that away from him!" Fili is arguing with Uncle on my behalf.

"Fili." Thorin scolds lightly.

"I will carry him if I must!" It's exactly what he told me to do when I tried to argue about Lessrien needing a break.

"One day you will be king, and you will understand. I can not risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one Dwarf, not even my own kin." Thorin states and in my arms Lessrien tenses. She's getting angry. My brother meets my eyes then climbs out of the boat, coming over. Thorin grabs his shoulder. "Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the Company."

"I belong with my brother." Fili pulls away from Thorin and comes over to us.

"Lessrien!" Thorin barks. She whips around and I know she's about to snap at him so I pull her back around.

"Don't Starling. It's alright." I watch the anger disappear from her eyes when she meets my gaze. It's replaced with worry and a little bit of fear. "I'll be alright." I grab her hand and place the rune stone in it. She looks down and her eyes widen.

"I promise, I'll come back to you, amrâlimê." I whisper to her and she looks up, her eyes shining with tears. "I love you."

"Lessrien, now!" Thorin barks.

The Hobbit: Lessrien AncalimëWhere stories live. Discover now