Chapter Six

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I slip my hand out of adad's and step back. I turn around and head towards where I see a path leading down into the valley.

"Lessrien." Kili grabs my hand, I wasn't even aware he had followed me.


"Don't tell me you're fine, I can tell that you're not." With a sigh I look towards The Lonely Mountain. Kili follows my gaze and he frowns. "Lessrien, Erebor is your home as much as it ours."

"No, it's not Kili, I am not a Dwarf." I argue. Once Erebor is reclaimed...everything will change.

"What does that matter?" Kili asks.

"You forget that aside from this company there will not be a Dwarf alive who will accept me into their homeland." I answer.

"They will not question Thorin, you are his child, Lessrien." Kili argues back.

"I will not use adad's position as a shield, Kili! I am an elf and there is no place for me in Erebor!" I shout and everyone turns to me. I meet adad's eyes, then Fili's and when I turn back to Kili I see that my words have hurt him.

I turn away and march down the path, my nails digging into my palms as tears sting my eyes. "Lessrien Ancalimë!" I immediately stop hearing my full name. It wasn't adad who called it, it was Kili. He never uses my full name. "Look at me."

I turn around and meet his brown eyes. "Your place is with us. You are our family, and no one gets to question that. No one gets to change that." He closes the space between us and grabs my hands, uncurling my fingers. "Dwarf or not, you are the daughter of Thorin Oakenshield and you belong right here." Kili pulls me into a hug and tears silently slide down my cheeks.

I step back as the rest of the company joins us. My eyes meet adad's. "You may not have Dwarvish blood, but you are Durin's folk, Lessrien, any who question it will answer to me." He comes over and gently grabs my face, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. "Men iananubukhs me."

He rests his forehead against mine and I nod. We're so close to Erebor, and despite everything they just said...I fear that everything is going to change, and not for the better.

"Come on, let's keep moving." Adad takes my hand and we continue on.

"Adad, I'm going over to my brother." I whisper and he nods, letting go of my hand. I go over to Fili and wrap my arms around him.

"Namadith, you are the light of this company. It would not be the same without you." Fili gives me a tight hug. "Do not ever question your place among us again." He scolds lightly.

"Alright, nadad." I walk beside him, keeping close to him.

"When are you going to tell Kili how you feel about him?" Fili whispers in my ear. Heat rushes into my cheeks. Fili laughs and I smack his arm but the mood fades quickly.

"Our kind, as well as Dwarves, only fall in love once, little one. It is real."

I had asked Lady Galadriel about my feelings for Kili back in Rivendell when she spoke to me telepathically. I look over at Kili, he's talking with adad.

"I...I don't know, Fili." He rests his hand on my head. I look up, meeting his eyes.

"When you're ready, you should tell him. Just don't wait too long, namadith." I nod in agreement. I know all too well what waiting too long could cost me.



As we made our way through the rocks Thorin and I talked about Lessrien and he asked me if I was going to tell her how I felt about her. I told him that I wasn't sure if I should because I do not know of the customs of her people when it comes to courting and marriage.

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