Chapter Four

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When we finished eating and discussing where we found the swords, Lord Elrond led Gandalf, Balin, Bilbo, and myself to a library. Gandalf has asked me to show Lord Elrond the map but my thoughts are focused on Lessrien. I worry about her, I haven't been much of a father to her as of late.

"Thorin, the map." Gandalf insists. I look at the Elf Lord skeptically. There is no chance he will let us continue on our quest.

"Our business is no concern of El-" I stop myself, my comments towards my daughter's kin is what has upset her and cause her to pull away from me. "It's no concern of his." I correct myself.

"For goodness sake, Thorin, show him the map!" Gandalf urges, clearly frustrated with me.

"It is the legacy of my people. It is mine to protect, as are its secrets." Lord Elrond may be Lessrien's kin but that does not earn him my trust. As her kin and as a close friend of her father's he should have been the one to find her, save her, and raise her.

"Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall." That comment catches me off guard because Lessrien made a comment about my pride yesterday. She implied that my pride was more important than her. "You stand in the presence of one of the few in Middle-Earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond."

"...My father and Durin respected each other, yet both my kin and your kin abandoned each other in times of need. I think you and I were meant to heal that."

Lessrien's words are clear in my mind as is my promise to do right by her and her father. I pull the map out and step towards Lord Elrond.

"Thorin, no." Balin protests. I will not hurt my daughter any further, I hand the map to Lord Elrond.

He examines the map for a moment, his gaze falling on me once again. "Erebor. What is your interest in this map?"

"It's mainly academic." Gandalf jumps in before I say something that could cause issues. "As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text. You still read ancient Dwarvish, do you not?" Gandalf asks.

Lord Elrond takes the map over to a spot of moonlight and holds it up, inspecting it. "Cirth ithil."

"Moon runes? Of course. An easy thing to miss." Gandalf explains.

"Well, in this case, that is true. Moon runes can only be read by the light of a moon of the same shape and season on which they were written." Lord Elrond explains as he turns back to face us.

"Can you read them?" I ask, worried that we are too late or even too soon to be able to see what is hidden in that map.

Lord Elrond nods and motions for us to follow him. He takes us out to a ledge under a waterfall. The father in me takes note of how much Lessrien would love to see this.

"The runes were written on a Midsummer's Eve by the light of a crescent moon nearly 200 years ago." Lord Elrond lays the map out on a pedestal. "It would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell. Fate is with you, Thorin Oakenshield." His gaze falls on me then goes up. I follow it and as the clouds pass by I see a crescent moon. "The same moon shines upon us tonight." My gaze turns back to the map and we wait for the light to hit the pedestal just right, so it will reveal the runes.

No more than two minutes pass before the runes begin to show themselves. "Stand by the gray stone when the Thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole." Lord Elrond reads out, lifting the map as he concludes.

"Durin's Day?" Bilbo asks, turning to Balin.

"It is the start of the Dwarves' New Year, when the last moon of autumn and the first sun of winter appear in the sky together." Gandalf explains to him.

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