Chapter Five

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As we continue on our way I think about the expression on Saruman's face at certain points I spoke. Lady Galadriel spoke to me in my mind as I left, she told me she was happy to see that I lived and was well and that. I told her that Saruman gave me an off feeling and I felt that he should be watched carefully and that he himself should be questioned. Lady Galadriel promised she would share my concerns with Lord Elrond and Gandalf.

"Lessrien?" I turn to Bilbo who comes up beside me.

"Yes mellon nin?" I ask him and he pulls out the smaller blade that was found in the Troll hoard.

"This blade, Gandalf said, was forged by your kin. Balin said that this blade isn't a sword." Bilbo holds the blade out to me and I pull it out and examine it. "He said it was probably more of a letter opener."

"Well it certainly isn't a sword, but it's also not a letter opener." I hand the blade back to him. "It's a dagger, it probably has seen battle but a name it probably hasn't been given. Should you ever find a name for it, feel free Bilbo. That dagger is yours now." I tell him happily.

"Thank you, Lessrien." Bilbo puts the dagger back at his waist. "I've been wondering what you name means?" He adds and I smile.

"Well Lessrien means 'small thing' and Ancalimë means 'Brightest'." I answer and Bilbo nods. "Do you have any other questions about my people?" I ask him and he opens and closes his mouth a few times.

"More about you. I noticed that you and Kili are closer than any of the others. Has there ever been a Dwarf and an Elf together?" Bilbo asks and I look up ahead of us.

"Not that's been recorded." I answer. "At this point Elves and Dwarves have been at odds with each other for thousands of years. It's been so long that there probably hasn't even been a genuine friendship between them since my father and Durin were friends." I state and Bilbo smiles up at me.

"I don't think that's true." Bilbo looks around at the company. "I think they all consider you a friend as much as they consider you kin." Bilbo explains and I smile.

"Thank you, Bilbo. I guess I've never thought of it that way." Of course Thorin is my parent and not my friend, but Fili and Kili and the others are my friends as well. At least now that I'm a little bit older.

"You're welcome. I do hope you consider me a friend, Lessrien." I meet his eyes.

"Of course I do, Bilbo! I hope we develop a strong and close friendship, and I promise adad will eventually warm up to you, he's just not a very trusting person."

"I've gathered as much, especially when it comes to you." Bilbo points out and I smile. If there is one thing that I can count on, it's adad making sure that the people I invite into my life aren't going to harm me physically or emotionally.

"Lessrien, Master Baggins, keep up!" Adad calls back to us. Bilbo and I head up the path and I go over to Kili and Fili.



Lady Galadriel and I are the only ones left in the Pavilion. "You will follow them?" Lady Galadriel asks.

"Yes." It is not only my responsibility as I set this quest in motion but Bilbo is not my only responsibility. Lessrien may be Thorin's child, but I still have a responsibility to her, I am the one who broke the spell she was under.

"You are right to help Thorin Oakenshield, but I fear this quest has set in motion forces we do not yet understand. The riddle of the Morgul blade must be answered. Something moves in the shadows, unseen, hidden from our sight. It will not show itself, not yet, but everyday it grows in strength. You must be careful." Lady Galadriel is right, as she always is.

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