Bonus Short

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I can't breathe... It's not real. This isn't happening. Not again. Not to them. I stare at the three of them laying in front of me, unmoving. I want them to move. To wake up and tell me that they're sorry for scaring me, that they won't ever leave me.

I can't stop reliving the memories...

Fili. I screamed in horror as Azog shoved his blade through Fili's chest and then dropped him. Fili landed in front of Kili and I called for him because Azog threatened him. Kili turned back down the tunnel. Adad picked me up and wrapped me in his arms, kissed my forehead and then told me to go with Bilbo back to town.

Kili. I didn't listen to adad. I went to go get Kili because I wasn't going to lose him too. I found him and I climbed the hill to reach him. When I reached the entrance to the tunnel I saw Tauriel on the ground and Kili on Bolg's back, struggling with him. Bolg yanked Kili off his back and looked up and met my eyes. He grinned a sick, twisted grin as he shoved the end of his mace through Kili's chest. I saw the tear slide down Kili's cheek and I've never screamed louder in my life. Bolg dropped Kili and started coming towards me until an arrow flew past his head. His attention turns to who fired the arrow; Legolas. Bolg goes after him and I rush to Kili's side.

"KilI! Kili!" I grab his face but his eyes don't open. "No, no, please! No!" I sob into his chest, my fingers pressing into his armor. "I love you, I love you so much." I sob into his chest, wanting it all to just end now.

Adad. I wandered the battlefield looking for adad when I stumbled upon him and Bilbo. Bilbo was holding onto adad's hand and adad was laying on the ground, he had no color in his face. I didn't want to believe what I was seeing.

"Adad!" I ran over to them and dropped to my knees by his side. Bilbo let me take his hand and then I saw the blood. "No, no, not you too. Please! Adad, don't leave me too!" I beg, tears streaming down my cheeks. Adad reaches up with his other hand and cups my cheek. "Adad!" He wipes the tears off my cheeks and smiles up at me.

"Uzfakuh." His hand drops from my face and his eyes close. Another scream from echoes in the area around us and my sobs are joined by Bilbo's.

"Lessrien." Bilbo's soft voice comes from beside me. I'm supposed to be saying something, I know I am. The tears slide down my cheeks as I push down the tightness in my throat.

Once again I look over the bodies of my adad, my brother, and the person I love most in this world.

"You all showed me a lot of things, I learned a lot I didn't know." Memories of my childhood, of their smiling faces and laughter start playing in my mind. "But you forgot to teach me one last thing, how to let you go." I choke out past the tears. I hear the sobs of the rest of my kin. "I know you didn't mean to leave me, sometimes we have no choice." My eyes shift to my older brother, then adad, then Kili, each of their smiling faces flashing in my mind. "I miss being your little sister, your daughter, your love. I miss hearing my name called by your voices." I sob and swallow back the rest to continue. "I wished to say "I love you" before you were given to the sky. If I was granted one last wish, I'd wish to say "Goodbye"." I can't push down the sobs anymore and the tears slide down my cheeks like waterfalls. "Please don't leave me!" I scream, falling to my knees.

Why am I still here? I tied my life to Kili's, he is are Fili and adad. There is nothing left for me to live for.

"Come here, Lessrien." Balin pulls me into his arms, also crying. The pain in my chest comes out as a scream. "I'm so sorry, Lessrien. We're right here." Balin soothes.

"It's not fair! It's not fair!" I cry.

"I know lass, I know."


A/N: I ripped my own heart writing this. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story!!

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