Chapter Fifteen

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It's late and Lessrien and I lay in bed, she's fast asleep beside me. I tuck her hair behind her ear as memories play through my thoughts. The night Fili and I found her, the day we found out who she was, the day I first realized I loved her, and the day I first told her.

I never expected the tiny elfling curled up under my cloak would come to mean so much to me. She is my entire world, she is everything to me.

Twisting one of her curls around my finger my thoughts turn to our future wedding. Lessrien and I have decided on two things so far; we want Lord Elrond to officiate our wedding and we're going to get married in these halls, right at the gate.

Putting the curl behind her ear I turn onto my back, staring up at the ceiling with a smile. I wonder what my mother is going to think? I do miss her, I'm sure Fili and Uncle and Lessrien all do as well. I'm sure she misses us and has been worrying about us like crazy.

"I almost lost you both!" Lessrien's words echo in my mind, bringing my mood down.

The memory of Azog appearing right in front of me, my heart racing as I ready my sword, and preparing myself to die should it come to that. It all haunts me. I was hyper aware of Lessrien right behind me and I was so scared that she was going to have to watch me die before being killed herself.

"Kili." Lessrien sits up and moves her head onto my chest. I didn't realize I had tensed and my heart had begun racing until I feel myself relax and my heart rate begin to slow. "It's alright, we're safe now." She soothes sleepily.

"How did you know?" I ask her, running my fingers through her hair. She sits up and I follow, pulling her into my lap.

"When adad made you stay in Laketown I was angry and hurt and scared. I yelled at him and we got into an argument. He asked me what I would have done if it were my homeland we were reclaiming and I told him 'my homeland be damned if it meant being there for my family. For the person I love most in this world' and that's when I realized I didn't say 'I love you' back. Adad tried comforting me but I didn't let him and..." She trails off and meets my eyes. "Kili, I tied my life to yours, should you die I will as well...I can also sense when you're upset or distressed or in danger." She explains. I'm sit in awe, processing with she just told me.

Among her people that is something that isn't taken lightly. By tying her life to mine, she gave up her immortality.

"Lessrien..." There are no words to describe how I feel, to describe how much I love her. Cupping her face I press my lips against hers. My lips leave hers but there is little space between our faces. "There are no words in any language to describe how much I love you."

"Then don't speak." She presses her lips back to mine.


"Kili, love." Lessrien's soft voice wakes me. I look up, finding my head in her lap. Her fingers brush through my hair, her hair already up in its usual style. "Breakfast is ready. The others are waiting for us."

"Five more minutes. I just want to lay here with you." She smiles at me, something I never get tired of.

"Alright, but I'm throwing you under the bridge if adad gets annoyed." Lessrien teases.

"I'm taking you with me." I counter then get surprised with a kiss. She goes to pull away but I don't let her. I sit up, pulling her closer to me.

"Kili." She scolds breathlessly as I kiss her cheek.

"I know." I reply, sitting back as I stop. "Breakfast." I get up and offer her my hand. She takes it and I pull her off the bed.

We head down to where the others are laughing and talking very loudly. We step into the room and the others cheer, probably hungry.

The Hobbit: Lessrien AncalimëWhere stories live. Discover now