Chapter Fourteen

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This morning we're loading carts full of gold and other supplies for the people of Laketown...or Dale now. I throw a blanket onto the cart and a small cry of pain leaves me, I think I pulled stitches in my back and on my side.

"Fili!" Uncle comes around the corner and right over to me. "What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be resting!" Uncle scolds, helping me over to a rock to sit down. "Are you trying to anger your sister?" He asks me, and I'm reminded that Lessrien's temper is not to be trifled with. Especially after everything we just went through.

"I was just trying to help Uncle." I answer. "I feel guilty just sitting around." I add as he looks around the room.

"Speaking of, where are your sister and brother?" He asks. I look around the room as well, not seeing them.

"Well, they were right behind me on the way down here." I answer. Uncle looks back at me and he and I exchange a knowing glance and smile.

At least until I hear Lessrien scolding Kili a few feet away. "Idiot! I'm marrying an idiot! I told you not to do that or else you'd tear the stitches in your side! Kili, you really are a pain in my ass."

She and Kili come around the corner and despite the scolding Kili still has a goofy grin on his face as Lessrien pulls him over to us. Then her eyes land on me and narrow. I offer her a smile and she takes a deep breath in.

"Fili, I swear on the ruins of Gondolin if you tore any of your stitches I will chain both you and your brother to a bed until you are healed!" She scolds, dropping Kili's hand and coming right over to me. She lifts my shirt and removes the bandages. A moment later I get a smack upside the head. "Fili!" She scolds, exasperated. "I have to restitch the bottom of the cut on your back. The one on your side is fine, just bleeding again. You and Kili must be more careful! I already almost lost you both!"

"I'm sorry, namadith." I place my hand over hers and she sighs. As much as she's joking around with us I know the past week was incredibly hard on her and like she said, she almost lost us.

"Adad." She turns to uncle.

"I swear I have not reopened any wounds!" He holds his hands up defensively.

"Your foot?" She asks. Uncle told us about the entire fight with Azog, apparently the orc managed to stab his foot through the ice.

"Sore but fine." Uncle chuckles and comes over to Lessrien. I look behind me and he cups her face. "We're all fine, Uzfakuh." He soothes gently. She frowns at him.

"That may be so but I won't be fine if I don't look after you. So let me do this, please adad." Uncle kisses the top of her head.

"Alright." He steps back as Kili brings over fresh bandages, a wet cloth, a needle, and some thread. Lessrien sits down behind me then takes the supplies from Kili. He sits beside me and we watch the others finish loading up the carts.

"This is going to hurt, Fili." Lessrien warns just before she starts stitching the wound closed again. I bite down on a cloth that Kili hands me, groaning into it.

"You took care of me for twelve years, it's my turn to take care of you."

There is nothing I won't do for my little sister. A few minutes pass and the pain becomes a dull ache. "Done, it's going to be sore for a little bit, nadad." Lessrien states as she gets up, grabbing the supplies.

Kili and I both get up and we both hug her, squishing her between us just like yesterday. She squeals then laughs, her face lighting up. All the others turn to us upon hearing her laughter. They're all smiling and I look down at the tiny elf between my brother and I.

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