Chapter Twelve

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Coming around a corner I pause then take a step back. Kili and Lessrien are in the hallway alone. Kili has his arms wrapped around her waist, she looks troubled.

"Amrâlimê, I promise you everything will be alright. I'll be right by your side through it all." Kili rests his forehead against Lessrien's and she closes her eyes.

"Promise me Kili, because I can't lose you. You are everything to me, I will not live in this world without you, not for a second." Lessrien replies, her fear and worry are as clear as day.

"I promise you, Lessrien, you will not live a second without me. I'll always be right by your side." Kili cups her face and leans down, but he does not kiss her. "Marry me?"

"Yes, I'll marry you." Lessrien answers. A bright grin appears on Kili's face. As Lessrien's eyes close she cups Kili's cheek and he leans in and kisses her.

I turn and head down the hall, my mind racing with disconnected thoughts. I head back into the treasure hall to try and settle my mind.


I stride towards the blocked off gate, glancing quickly around the area to see that Kili and Lessrien have rejoined the others.

"Come on!" I order the others to follow me up the stairs, to the platform that's been built.

Outside Elves populate the walls of Dale, armed for war. Bard, on horseback, approaches the gate. "Hail Thorin, son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." He greets me.

"Why do you come to the gates of the king under the mountain armed for war?" I question him.

"Why does the king under the mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hole!" Bard counters.

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed." I answer honestly.

"My lord - We have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" The Lakeman asks. I nod and step away but I grab a raven and tie a message to it's foot.

As I descend the stairs I release the raven. I head over to the hole that was built into the blockade, meant exactly for this purpose. Bard is waiting on the other side.

"I'm listening."

"On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives." Bard explains.

"I will not treat with any man while an armed host lies before my door." I can only guess why the elves have shown up here; the white gems of Lasgalen.

"That armed host will attack this mountain, if we do not come to terms." Bard threatens.

"Your threats do not sway me." I will not share the wealth of Erebor, not after everything I've been through to reclaim it.

"What of your conscience? Does it not tell you our cause is just?! My people offered you help and in return you brought upon them ruin and death!" Bard shouts.

"When did the men of Laketown come to our aid, but for promise of rich reward?!" I shout back, turning to Bard.

"A bargain was struck!"

"A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You call that a fair trade? Tell me, Bard the Dragonslayer..." he looks up at me in surprise. "Why should I honor such terms?"

"Because you gave us your word." Bard answers, speaking truthfully. "Does that mean nothing?"

I turn away from the hole to find the others standing behind me. I glance at them a moment before shouting back at Bard. "Be gone, ere arrow fly!" I head back up to the platform, the others following. We watch Bard ride away from the gate, back to his people and the army of Thranduil's elves.

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