Season 4 Episode 20: The Rapture

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*torture warning*

Dean woke up with a gasp.

"Jesus" Robin jumped. She'd been sitting at the motel room table cleaning her guns. "Dude, I realize you were in hell, but seriously".

"I was just talking to Cas" Dean told her, still out of breath

"What did the trench coat asshole want" she said looking into the chamber of a revolver?

"To meet" he barked, "He needs to tell me something. Where's Sam"?

"Vending machines" she replied loading the gun, "he'll be right back".

"Good" he nodded slipping his jacket on, "wrap this up, we gotta go".

The three went to the address Castiel had given Dean. They climbed the stairs to an upper level of an abandoned warehouse. The entire place was a mess.

"What the actual fuck" Robin asked as she pointed her flashlight around the wreckage?

"It looks like a battle happened here" Dean nodded. His flashlight went around the room and he spotted a sigil on the wall, "look familiar" he asked?

"Is that the same one Anna used" Robin asked?

"Sure as hell looks like it" Dean nodded.

"So someone evicted the angels" Sam nodded, "why"?

They saw the rubble move and ran over to dig out whoever was in there. Eventually they spotted a trench coat and frantically dug it out, it was Castiel.

"Cas" Dean asked, "you ok"?

"I'm not Castiel" he told them, "my name is Jimmy, Jimmy Novack".

"Castiel's vessel" Robin said somewhat confused.

"Where the hell is Castiel" Dean asked?

"He's gone" Jimmy replied, unsteady.

They dug Jimmy out and took him back to their motel room, but not before hitting up a drive thru.
Jimmy was ravenous and devouring his second burger.

"You wanna slow down" Dean asked?

"You ever seen Cas eat" Robin defended? "Dude is probably starving".

"I am" he nodded, "that's accurate".

"What happened back there" Sam asked?

"All I know was there was a flash of light" Jimmy said between bites, "then I woke up".

"Do you remember anything" Dean asked?

"Only that you're his favorite" He said to Dean, "likes you too" he nodded to Robin. Looked to Sam, "Jury is still out". He took another bit, "Being possessed by an angel, it's like being chained to a rocket".

"Cas wanted to tell us something" Sam nodded. "You know what that was"?

"No idea" Jimmy shrugged, not slowing down from his meal.

"You have to know something" Dean snapped.

"All I know is I'm Jimmy Novack from Pontiac Illinois" he told them, "I have a family, a wife Amelia, and a daughter Claire. And I need to get back to them".

"That might not be the best idea" Robin warned him.

"What" Jimmy asked, "Why"?

"You were a vessel" Dean explained, "They're not going to believe you as easily as we do that you don't remember anything".

"And for the sake of argument, let's assume they do" Sam told him, "They'll still want to cut you open and see what makes you tick. You did house an angel".

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