Season 12 Episode 14: The Raid pt 2

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*20k views! Thank you so much!* Sam kept his promise, he wasn't gone long. He and Mary left and came back with a vampire hissing and spitting.

Juliette gripped the machete tightly.

"Doors locked" Pierce asked?

"For now," Mary nodded.

"The rest, they're spreading out, surrounding the building" Alton explained.

"How'd they find us" Mick asked? "How'd they even know who we are?"

"He told us" the vampire spoke up. "He's back to save us all. Our father."

"Your father," Sam asked? "The – the Alpha?"

"No, that's impossible" Serena shook her head. "Our Intel has him in – in Morocco. He's been there for at least a decade."

"Wrong" Sam spoke up. He pointed to Juliette "We met him five years ago in Hoople, North Dakota."

"You're dead" the vampire laughed. "You're all dead."

Mary tired quickly of the taunting and decapitated the vampire.

Juliette let out a sharp scream clasping her hands over her mouth.

'Your, uh, extermination plan" Sam looked at Mick. "Did it have any contingencies for this?"

"No" Mick shook his head almost as nervous as Juliette.

"We can't wait for backup" Sam shook his head.

"He's right" Mary added. "This place was not built for defense, and those doors will not hold long. Okay.

Who here has ever killed anything?"

Only Pierce raised a hand.

"All right, we gotta arm up." Sam ordered. "Everybody, weapons on the table. Blades, guns, spells..."

There was pitiful pile on the table when everyone ponied up.

"Is this it" Sam asked?

"Yeah" Mick replied.

"That's not enough" Mary shook her head.

"Most of our weapons are in the Armory" Mick explained. "Including the AVD."

"We could set it off in the vents" Mary suggested. "Maximize coverage, use the gas like the bug bomb."

"Will that kill the Alpha" Mick asked?

"Kill? Doubt it. Hurt? Maybe" Sam admitted. "You got anything stronger?"

"That gun" Juliette spoke up. She remembered hearing about this one. It was a mission that they had given Mary and she'd taken her sons with her. She stole a gun called the colt from a powerful demon called a Prince of Hell. There had been casualties on that mission. A hunter was killed, and they almost lost an angel. Considering she had only ever heard tell of one angel working with hunters, she soon deduced who that was. The lore on this gun said that it could kill any monster.

"Where is it" Mary asked Mick?

Mick went over to the table and pulled out a box from under the table. He pulled it out and opened it. This was a gun that Mary had retrieved recently.

"Where'd you get this" Sam asked as his eyes got larger.

"Yeah, but it doesn't work" Mick explained. "We've no bullets."

"Right. Right. Um Okay. We make some, then" Sam instructed. "Got the recipe from my buddy."

"Bobby Singer" Mary asked?

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