Season 8 Episode 14: Trial and Error

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*I don't do milestones for every 100 anymore, but we hit 2250 views, so let's shall we?*

They'd been getting comfortable in the bunker for a few weeks now, there was no shortage of things for them to delve into. Robin was a little more hesitant. She knew these guys would want her to feel at home, God knows they were always made to at the salvage yard. But that was a little different, a good portion of their lives were spent there. No, this place? It was the Winchester's birth right, and as such, Robin felt out of place. She found her inner domestic goddess while crashing, feeling the need to clean up or do chores for both boys. At first, Dean was a fan of it, until Sam pointed out how out of character it was for her. She didn't say anything, but they were picking up on it.

She was sitting in the library on her laptop, mostly just fiddling, not doing anything in particular when Sam walked in with a couple of file boxes and placed them on the table. "Check out what I found" he smiled at her, "Old case files. I wanted to flip through them, wanna help?"

"I was just going to make lunch for all of us" She nodded, "Maybe after?"

"I think Dean might be working on that" he scoffed. "A little scared to see what he comes up with."

"It's cool" she got to her feet and walked over beside him looking at the boxes. "I have a backup plan."

"You want werewolves, vamps" he asked? She grabbed a box and took it back to her seat. "Witches" he asked? "Really?"

"That surprises you" she replied?

"Considering you are one" He blinked a few times before he nodded. "Yeah."

"Yeah, well as such I like to learn more" She replied. "Most of my knowledge is track, trap and burn."

"Fair enough" he nodded, popping open the vampire box.

She sifted through the files, most had pictures paperclipped to them. A ginger chick from Scotland had caused them some grief over the last few centuries. A powerful family they had monitored for a similar amount of time. Then there was one that caught her eye, no name, it just said Mother. She opened the file and was met with a familiar face. Robin closed her eyes tightly and was taken back. The woman hung over her as she was laying flat on her back on the floor. My child was all she said.

"Robin" Sam interrupted her thoughts. "You okay?"

"Fine" she shook her head. "You mind if I keep this box handy? I'd like to look through it a little more."

"Sure" Sam nodded to her, "Me casa."

"No" she shook her head putting that file to the side. "Not really."

"What are you two doing" Dean asked walking in the room with three plates?

"Looking at case files belonging to the men of letters" Sam replied.

"Anything interesting" He asked?

"Yeah, so far- "Sam started

"That was rhetorical Sammy" he nodded, "Come on, let's eat."

He put burgers that he'd made from scratch down on the table for each of them and to their surprise, they were amazing.

"What? You eat so many, you figured out the secret formula to the perfect burger" Robin asked taking another bite?

"Good an explanation as any" Dean shrugged.

"I'll get the dishes" she nodded to them.

The boys exchanged glances before Sam looked at her, "No it's fine. I got it."

She was about to protest when her phone started ringing. "Kev?"

"..Robin, you guys need to come quick..." There was a thud and then silence.

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