Season 13, Episode 12: Various & Sundry Villains

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* the last post was with a special dedication to my own little Sammy, on his birthday. Today we dip into the fictional world. Today is dedicated to the father of the story. Today is Jim Beaver's birthday*

Robin looked at the time and groaned. They got in late the night before, crashing. Apparently the guys let her sleep in. She slipped on a pair of jeans and headed out to the kitchen.

The first one she spotted was Sam. She poured a coffee and acknowledged him with a nod.

"You still mad at me for the Donna thing" he asked her carefully?

"I'm not mad. I get where you were coming from. But the chick just got dumped" Robin groaned as she sat down at the table. "And no. I'm not. I handled it."

He nodded.

"Where's Dean" she asked?

"Out for supplies" Sam nodded walking out of the kitchen. Robin got to her feet and followed him. "He's been doing research for Mom and Jack. Found out about some spell books."

"I'm guessing supplies didn't include a trip to Barnes and Noble" she replied as she found a big cushy chair to drink her coffee in.

"No" Sam chuckled.

The door to the bunker closed and Dean descended the stairs.

"Hey, uh... I think you might be right" Sam started. "I think maybe it's time we go ahead and call Cas, because, I mean, if...if..." Both Sam and Robin examined the spring in Dean's step and the whistle on his lips. "You alright" Sam asked?

Dean did a playful spin and beaming replied. "Am I all right? I'm in love."

"Uh yeah" Sam nodded. "I was at the wedding."

"Oh damn" Dean hissed looking over at Robin. "This is awkward. Sorry Robin, I uh...I sorta met someone."

Robin examined him over her coffee cup. "Uh huh." She cocked an eyebrow.

"Wow that went better than I thought" Dean shrugged turning back to his brother.

"I'm sorry," Sam shook his head. "What?"

"I mean, I am, like, full-on twitterpated here. Seriously, I can't wait for you to meet her, either" Dean almost giggled with excitement. "She – I mean, she's... She's sweet and she's beautiful and she's just kinda sorta perfect. Anyway, I'm thinking of asking her to move in with me here...if that's cool 'cause this is big time."

Dean walked across the library and picked up an ancient book, the black grimoire. In her absence, Rowena had used the book to summon the cage of Lucifer. It was sort of an off-limits book, especially to Robin. If she could read the text, it meant she was damned, only the damned could read it.

"And uh" Robin asked, "what are you doing with the no-no book?"

"It's a gift. For Jamie" he smiled at her stupidly

"For...Jamie?" Sam attempted to clarify.

"My soul mate" Dean winked.

"Sure. Right" Sam nodded. "And did she happen to ask for that book by, uh, name?"

"Yeah" Dean cried gleefully! "I mean, isn't that kind of cosmic fate, that we actually have it?"

"Wow" Robin mocked, "that really is convenient isn't it?"

"Do you remember, uh, uh, Becky in Vegas" Sam asked? "The love spell?"

"No" Dean got defensive.

"I think Jamie must be a witch or demon..."

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