Season 10 Episode 14: Executioners Song Pt 2

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* I am sort of speechless this morning. I love waking up and opening this app to look at likes and comments and such and this morning I just happened to notice my rankings on this story. I  am both excited and humbled. Considering I am now hitting 600 views a week, the 1000 views milestones are becoming less of a thing. This however very much is. Thank you so much for the support you have given my story.

Robin watched him head down the hall to their room. She then looked back at the concern on Sam and Castiel's faces. This is when her pride in Dean turned to fear. It clicked, what Dean facing off against Cain could mean.

She looked back towards the hall Dean just vacated and started after him with Sam close behind her.

She slowly stepped inside the door while Dean took a shotgun off the wall and put it in a duffle. He noticed he now had an audience and went on to explain. "When he gave me the Mark, Cain said that this day would come, that after I killed Abaddon, I would have to come and put him down."

"Great. So you're taking orders from a madman" Sam scoffed.

"No, he wasn't mad then" Dean continued as Castiel joined them. "Cain resisted the Mark for a long time, then I came, kicking up trouble about the Blade. I sent him down this path. This is on me."

"It doesn't mean you have to be the one to go after him," Sam pleaded.

"Yes, it does" Dean snapped. "And there's only one thing that can kill him."

"The blade" Robin's voice shook as she said it.

"Dean's right" Castiel agreed.

"Dean, wielding the Blade against Cain himself" Sam objected. "Win or lose, you may never come back from that fight."

"I know" Dean admitted.

"Well" Robin sighed. "In that case before you argue with me, I'm coming with you."

"You gotta know I don't want you anywhere near this" Dean shook his head at her.

"Yeah well not to toot my own horn or anything but you've lost your shit more than once" she folded her arms. "And every time it was me who brought you back. So you don't really get a vote here Winchester." Dean knew to save his breath on this, but the fear didn't leave his eyes. "Now as much as I hate to say this, we're missing a member of the band. Might wanna call him and tell him it's time for the blade."

It took little to no convincing on Dean's part for Crowley to get on board with the plan. It took a lie. He told Crowley Cain was back on the rampage, and he was on his list. Meanwhile the four drove to Ohio. It was dark when they arrived. The boy lived on a farm with his mother and was in the barn playing with a basketball.

They were cold and anxious as the King of Hell hadn't arrived yet and without the blade, there was a decent chance they would all be slaughtered.

"Cain will strike soon" Dean broke the silence. "Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, but soon. And when he does ..."

"Yeah, I got it" Sam replied indignantly. "You charge in with the Blade solo. And the kid? What, we just watch and wait until Cain attacks? I thought this was a rescue mission."

"We save the kid after Cain shows" Dean explained.

"We know what Cain's after" Castiel chimed in. "That's our only advantage. We want to trap Cain, we use it."

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