Season 6 Episode 6: You Can't Handle the Truth

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*Way ahead for writing. I'm at the season finale already. Thought I would do a little bonus*

*Warning, discussion of Sexual Violence"

"What did my dad say" Robin asked Dean quietly?

"Not to shoot him" Dean snapped. "We need to figure out what he is before we try and put him down".

"I hate that he's right" Robin nodded, "but he's right. Especially if he is Lucifer".

"You didn't seem to flinch when I bounced that idea off you" Dean pressed.

"It lined up with the way he's been acting" she shrugged.

Their conversation was cut short when Sam walked up to them with a case. A string of suicides that seemed to come out of nowhere in the town they were in. They soon went to visit the sister of the latest victim.

"Why would the FBI be interested in a suicide" she asked Sam?

"It's a new more caring administration" Sam nodded.

"She was having a really bad day" she said as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "So, I did what any sister would do. I tried to cheer her up".

Sam's eyes narrowed and he asked the sister, "do you know what a tell is"?

Dean and Robin looked at him, startled.

"Excuse me" the sister asked?

"It's a poker term" Sam explained, "for when you're bluffing. Like what you just did with your hair".

"What are you trying to say," she asked breathlessly?

"You're lying" he snarled, "tell us what you did to your sister".

The sister looked at Dean and Robin speechless, and then back to Sam. They gave him a confused look and Robin shook her head.

"Okay you're right, I was lying" she confessed.

Sam looked at them as if to say, "I told you so".

"I wanted to say, I love you" she continued, "but what came out was you're a burden, kill yourself" she sobbed. "who says that? I just couldn't stop".

"We're so very sorry for your loss ma'am" Robin told her placing a hand on her shoulder. "If you can think of anything else, please don't hesitate to call us".

"Find anything" Sam asked as the three left the house?

"Nothin sending up any red flags" Robin shook her head?

"I found a tuba and a copy of crochet weekly" Dean nodded.

"So already suicidal" Sam scoffed.

"But what was it that made her sister say what she did" Robin asked?

"That's the question" Sam nodded as they drove back to the motel,

Robin got out of the shower and Sam was in her room. "What the fuck are you doing here" she growled?

"Sorry" he nodded as he looked at her in just a towel. "I was just checking to see if you wanted to come with me to check out another lead".

"Not even a little bit" she glared at him. "And if you are not out of here in two seconds, I'm gonna scream, and Dean is gonna come bursting in here. And maybe I tell him about what you did to me. Maybe this all finally comes out".

"Calm down Robin" Sam grinned at her, "I'm going".

When he left, she locked and latched the door. She began to hyperventilate and grabbed a beer, chugging it down as fast as she could, and then smashing the bottle against one wall, before sliding down the opposite wall in defeat.

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