Season 9 Episode 22 Pt 1: Stairway to Heaven

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*Allow me to start by apologizing for the inconsistency in my posts, but there has been an inconsistency in my life, so here we are. I wanted to get this post up to say thank you for all the adds, votes, comments and just the following I have seen develop over the last several weeks. I can't tell you how much each notification means to me when I see it pop up. 

I also wanted to say thank you so much for bringing me to 7000 views, that's unreal to me.  We're approaching the Season 9 finale at which point there will be a break and the story will return in early September. I want to get several chapters archived so we don't run into weeks where I miss my personal deadline. I have already written rough drafts of the first 2 episodes. Given the content and how very emotionally invested I am in Robin, those have sort of hurt.  Thank you once more for your support. As this one is a two parter, part two will be out on Monday, getting us back on schedule. *

The drive home was uncomfortable. Robin hadn't seen the bunker in a bit, and it sort of showed when she closed the door to her room behind her. She peeled off her tank top and threw it to the overflowing hamper in the corner.

She heard the door open and she turned to see Dean quietly close it behind him. She paused and gave him a warning look before she undid her belt. "You know we're worried about you right" she demanded? "This mark shit?"

"You mean the shit that I took on and I no longer have control over" he asked her?

"Yeah that" she snapped.

"Uh huh" he nodded as he took off his flannel shirt and tossed it to the same hamper. "How about we talk about you, continuing to use dark magic. Though you have a choice."

"Do I" she demanded stomping towards him as he pulled his shirt up over his head?

"Yeah you do" he barked dropping his jeans and kicking them to the side. "Seeing you with the black eyes? That...that damn near killed me." He walked away from her.

She froze and watched him for a moment. "And you pushing me away is killing me" she said quietly.

He looked at her painfully. She stared back at him, vulnerable. She shifted back and forth uncomfortably. He turned and stepped closer to her. When he reached her his hand found her cheek and his forehead leaned into hers.

"I'm sorry baby" she said in a whisper. "But I am going to Hell."

"I'll meet you there" he growled before he pressed his lips to hers. He slid his hands down her back and down the back of her thighs.

This was her signal to jump into his arms and wrap her legs around him. She held his face in her hands as he carried her over to the bed, his lips trailing down her jaw. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers in through his hair. The sound of his heavy breath bounced off her skin and sang like a siren song in her ear.

He lowered her onto her back and his hands slid up her sides. He hovered just barely over her; she could feel the heat radiating off his body. They were both so close to naked, she ached to have his hands touch her somewhere he currently didn't have access to.

As though he read her thoughts, his hand slowly trailed up her back and before she could register his fingers had touched the fabric of her bra, it was unlatched.

His hands slowly pulled the cups away, while his lips followed the freshly exposed skin. She gently moaned at his touch. His tongue flicked over her nipple in gratitude.

His hand cradled the back of her head as he kissed her once more. Both of her hands found the back of his head, pulling him desperately closer to her.

His left hand stroked down her side and slid into the lace of her panties. There was nothing gentle about the moan he gained when his fingers caressed her throbbing bud. Desperate to assist him, she removed the last scrap of fabric still on her body before she began to paw at his.

He smiled against her and granted her wish. She took the opportunity to shove him onto his back and swing a leg over his pelvis. His hands were on her hips as she slowly slid down his shaft. She wasn't sure if there would ever be a day when him sliding inside of her wouldn't elicit this reaction. The thought was chased away as she rolled her hips slowly over him. He hissed with pleasure, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks. She rolled slowly before picking up the pace. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself. Soon she was bouncing on top of him, his eyes glued to her as she writhed and moaned his name.

He eventually sat upright, satisfying every touch she was craving. He thrust up into her. "Come on baby" he growled through grit teeth. Her nails gripped his shoulders as she continued to ride him. With one last thrust she saw lightning in her eyes as her body shook with her orgasm. One more pump and he tensed up releasing a moan of satisfaction.

They both panted looking at each other. Dean wiped the hair that was sticking to her face away. She slid off of him and faceplanted on the pillow. He laid down next to her and sighed in contentment.

Her eyes barely fluttered open to meet his as he turned on his side. He pulled the blanket halfway up her body and traced his fingers along her back.

"I'm not giving up on you" he told her kissing her shoulder. "Ever. So help me God, I will do everything in my power, so you never meet Hell."

"Why bother" she murmured? "This rate, you're gonna be running it anyway."

He sat up and looked at her for a second. Then he leaned down and kissed her back. "Get some sleep" he told her.

She was in no position to argue, she dozed off soon after she heard the door click shut.

"Robin, wake up" Dean's voice woke her. She groaned before she looked around the room. "We got work to do."

"What time is it" she asked?

"About 4:30" he told her.

"Dean Winchester you better mean pm" she growled into her pillow.

"Nope" he told her. "Am. I got a call from Cas, let's go."

She groaned and leaned up on her arms before she wrapped the sheet around her. And shuffled to the bathroom. "I might hate you" she muttered.

"Not what you said two hours ago" he shook his head.

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