Season 8 Episode 19: Taxi Driver

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*So sorry! Only just realized I didn't post yesterday. Guess I better get my content for post 100 set*

Robin threw her bag on the motel room bed and proceeded to decorate the room with some mild warding. She didn't see herself as a major target for Crowley these days, but as a precaution and a way to appease Dean, she did it. When she was done, she called the boys to check in.

"How was the ride" Dean's voice greeted her on the other end?

"Long" she replied, slipping out of her jeans and tossing them onto the bed she didn't plan on using. "I'm beat. I got the beer on ice and the room is warded. Probably get started with fresh eyes in the morning."

"I could have come with you" Dean huffed on the other end.

"Yeah, and worried about Sam the entire time" She shrugged off. "No, you watch your brother. And if Kevin calls, I need you to be ready."

Sam had been in rough shape since completing the first trial. It had taken a physical toll on him, putting Dean on high alert, but completely helpless.

As for Kevin the last time she saw him, rough was an understatement. Kevin was burning the candle on both ends, trying to decipher the tablet for the next trial. She questioned if she should perhaps not be leaving him alone, but this situation was getting dangerously close to an emergency.

It had been almost two months since she saw Garth and hadn't heard word one from him. Sam was a little more forthcoming with what the reasoning for his radio silence was. Hunters fall in the line of duty all the time, and Garth was no prized specimen. That didn't quite sit right with Robin, her gut told her something was off. She knew he'd been headed to Wisconsin hunting werewolves. One way or another, she would get her answers.

"Be careful okay" Dean asked her gently?

"Of course" she replied looking at her guns she had, then to the silver bullets that she had to the side.

"By the way" His voice turned to a whisper and he cleared his throat. "What are you wearing?"

A grin grew across her face. "Pair of panties and a tank top."

"Nice he hissed" Into the phone. "Now, where are your hands?"

"You head to your room" she told him. "Lock the door and use your imagination."

"You think I'm not" He asked her, she could hear that he was walking in his voice?

"Goodnight, Dean" she sighed.

"Goodnight, babe."

She tossed her phone on the bed and put one of her guns under her pillow and her angel blade. She set up her laptop and prepared her corkboard against a desk. She settled into the bed and drifted off.

It was the middle of the night when she heard a tap on her window, waking her from her sleep. She grabbed her gun from below her pillow and walked to the source of the sound. She opened the printed curtain to reveal no one outside of her window. She opened the front door and looked out into the silent darkness of the parking lot. She felt like she was being watched as she took extra time to listen out for anything. "Bini" she whispered, giving her better vision into the darkness. She saw someone move around the corner of the building, but they quickly were out of her line of sight. She wasn't stupid and about to follow them, not sure what it was. She instead ducked back into her room and closed her door. She attempted to go back to sleep, but did so with one eye opened for the rest of the night.

When she got up the next morning she did what she never does, she went for a jog. It gave her the cover to check out the area where, whatever it was the night before had disappeared into. There were broken branches on the bushes near the building, which confirmed nothing further for her, she already knew something was there.

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