Season 5 Episode 4: In the End

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*Please note, this was based off the episode, the end. It was a hypothetical glimpse for Dean of what the consequences of denying the Angels would be. While I was waiting to write what transpired in this timeline for Robin, she doesn't remember any of this going forward. The only character to take anything away from this, is Dean. On this note, thanks for reading this far in the story*

"Ok kiddo" Robin called to her son in the backseat, as she pulled into the camp. "All set to see Daddy" she asked?

"Uh huh" he nodded.

It had been five years since the apocalypse started. Robin was part of a community that had gathered together when the croatoan virus had broken out. It wasn't long after she did something she swore she would never do, sleep with Dean Winchester. The two hadn't really been on speaking terms since he got her pregnant, resulting in their son. They sort of put up with each other for the sake of their child. She got out of the jeep and came around to the passenger side.

"Oh thank god" Dean started towards her with his arms out to hug her.

She swatted his hands away and hissed, "we're civil for our son. You do not get to touch me".

"I'm sorry our what" Dean asked?

"I swear to god Dean if you are drunk" she hissed with a little more intensity.

"What" he asked? "No, I'm not".

"Good" she nodded. "And don't have him cleaning guns this time. He's not a soldier, and you're not your father". She looked around.

"You seen Castiel" she asked Chuck, who was close on Dean's heels as usual?

"I think he's in his cabin", Chuck nodded.

"I think he's in an orgy" Dean warned her.

"What else is knew" she asked walking towards the cabin? When she got inside, there were five women in various stages of undress.

"Hey Robin" Castiel smiled at her completely naked.

"Hi Cass", she nodded as though nothing was out of the ordinary. "Sorry to interrupt".

"No problem" he nodded, mirroring her mannerisms, and handing her a paper bag. "You're welcome to join us".

"Nah" she replied, "I'm getting in some me time".

"Alright" he nodded, "have a good one".

"Thanks Cass" she nodded walking out of the cabin. "Make sure you wrap it up".

As she walked out of the cabin, heading back to her jeep. Dean intercepted her. "Robin what happened" he asked?

"What the hell do you mean Dean" she snapped?

"Robin" a voice came from up on the balcony of his cabin. She looked up and saw Dean. Then looked back to the Dean standing in front of her. She looked back to the Dean on the balcony, "whiskey now" she snapped.

She went into the cabin, both Deans followed her. One Dean handed her a drink. She took a sip, "okay, what the actual fuck"?

"He says he's me from the past" One Dean barked. "I verified him, he's legit. Claims Zachariah sent him to show him what happens if he says no to Michael".

"The past" Robin nodded? "When"?

"Five years ago" the other Dean nodded.

"Oh back when I still liked you" Robin nodded. "That's convenient".

"Would you tell him to say yes" Present Dean told her.

"You want me to tell him to say yes" Robin asked?

"You don't" He barked?

"Do NOT let Mark hear you" she snapped at him. "I'll be back for him in the morning. Unless he asks for me again, then send Chuck to find me". With this she stormed out of the cabin, into the jeep and drove off.

As the sun was setting, she grabbed her grinder, and paper and drove out to the gates. She spotted the abandoned impala and pulled up beside it. She got out of her jeep and hopped into the passenger side. She rolled her joint. She popped open the glove compartment and found Dean's old case of cassettes and found her Joan Jett tape. She turned the key in the ignition and crimson and clover rang through the speakers. She lit her joint and leaned back on the seat.

She soon noticed she wasn't alone and pulled her gun. It was Dean. "Where's Mark" she asked?

"With his father" Dean replied.

"So, you're 09" she nodded. "We're basically the same age. That's weird".

"Are you high already" Dean asked?

"Just on my way" She nodded. She motioned him to the driver side, and he obliged. She handed him the joint.

"I'm not gonna tell you to say yes" she told him.

"No" Dean asked taking a hit?

"See, the best thing I have ever done was after the apocalypse started" she nodded.

"Yeah" Dean asked?

"Mark" she nodded, taking her joint back. "Not to mention, the amount of respect I had for you".

"You respect me for this "Dean asked?

"This could have happened either way" she nodded.

"Why do you hate me now", Dean asked?

She paused and thought about it for a second. "Because you proved me right" she nodded.

"What do you mean" he asked her?

"Remember that first case we did together" she asked? "That hook man".

"At that sorority" he asked? "I remember".

"Do you remember how much I hated you" she asked him?

"Yeah" he nodded, " you thought I was a joke".

"I don't think I was over my teenage crush on you" she shook her head. "I swore I was. Then we did more hunts, you grew on me". She flicked the dead roach on the ground. "I denied it and denied it. It was easier when Jo was alive, because I claimed loyalty". She looked at Dean, who was hanging on her every word. She looked down to her lap. "But after losing her, and dad. I wanted to feel something. You were there for me, and the thing I swore I would never do, I did".

"We slept together" he nodded?

"Well Mark isn't here by immaculate conception" she shook her head.

"What happened" he asked?

"You lost Sam" she nodded, "he said yes. I nearly died giving birth to Mark. You suddenly agreed with me, you can't be with someone in this life".

"Robin" he whispered to her, "I am so sorry".

"You haven't done anything yet" she told him. "This is back when it was all perfect. You were my best friend, and always there for me. This is the Dean I miss so much. Not the cold-hearted one you've become".

Dean put his arm on the back of the impala's seat and slid closer to Robin. He gently laid her head on his shoulder and kissed the top of her head, before she drifted off to sleep.

"This is a cozy" a voice came from beside her.

Robin opened her eyes. She must have dozed off. Dean was glaring at her beside the impala. She looked to her left and the past Dean was waking up as well.

"Is Mark okay" she asked?

"Fine" Dean told her, "I just expected you back by now. But what are you doing? Looking to get him a sibling"?

Robin looked down at herself, and then back at Dean. "You remember how that works right? I mean I'm fully clothed".

"This was the same slippery slope we were on Robin" He barked at her.

"The issue was never the conception of our child Dean" she snapped at him as she stepped out of the car. "The issue was you being an asshole after".

"An asshole" he said as she started to walk away. "I'm an asshole for protecting you"?

"Jesus Winchester" she shouted. "Stop fucking trying to protect me. How long have I been telling you this"?

"It wasn't just you anymore" he told her, "It was my son too".

"So you think being an absent father is protecting him" Robin snapped? "I realize John was your father, but don't act like you had no influence from mine".

"Robin" the other Dean got out of the impala.

"This has nothing to do with you" Present Dean snapped at him. "You were trying to get somewhere with her, I get it. But you didn't".

"Jesus Dean" Robin snarled, "stop, okay? Just stop. You sleep with literally every female in our camp, but if I fall asleep on another version of YOU? You go mental" she shook her head walking back to her jeep. "Next orgy Cass invites me to, I'm in" she shouted as she drove off.

She went back for Mark and was getting in the jeep when both Deans returned.

One came over and ruffled the boy's hair. "You have fun buddy" he asked?

"Yeah" he smiled, "good luck daddy. I hope you get Uncle Sam back".

Robin looked at him, "you found Sam"?

"Take care Robin" he replied.

"You seriously don't want me with you on this" she asked?

"No" Dean huffed, "I want our son to have his mother".

She watched as he walked away. The other Dean came up and took her aside. "You okay" he asked?

"Fine" she nodded, "are you going with him" she asked?

"Yeah, he's going after Sammy" Dean nodded. "Are you coming"?

"No" she shook her head, "he benched me".

"Really" Dean asked in disbelief?

"Mark is a trump card" she nodded.

"One way or another Robin" he got up very close to her and put a hand to her face, "I'm going to make this okay". His eyes started to close, and he leaned in to kiss her.

Robin turned away, "Dean I can't" she shook her head. "I can't deal with getting over you a third time. I'm sorry".

"I get it" he whispered, nodding and pulling away from her.

She watched as the group piled into a military jeep. Both Deans, Castiel, Chuck and present-day Dean's flavor of the week.

"Get over Dean Winchester" she sighed to herself, "that's a joke".

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