Season 13 Episode 4: The Big Empty Pt 2

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"You had to push," Robin muttered.

"He wanted this" he grunted taking a swig from his flask.

"This is not what he wanted Dean" she hissed.

His attention turned to the doctor, "Problem?"

"You just upset your brother so much, he had to leave the room" she challenged him. "And Jack? Look at him. He's terrified of you."

"Nah. No, we're simpatico" Dean replied. "Right, kid?"

"We're simpatico" Jack parroted with no emotion in his voice.

"Convincing" she nodded. "You're angry, Dean."

"And" he challenged her back?

"And if you don't want to do anything about it, that's your business" she snapped "But you're aiming it at everyone in your life."

Before the conversation could continue Sam walked back into the room with his gun drawn. "She's a shapeshifter!"

"No, no" Mia pleaded getting to her feet and backing away.

"I found hair... and teeth" Sam continued. Now Dean and Robin had their guns drawn too.

"You must've shed your skin, what, couple of hours ago" Sam accused?

"What's going on" Jack asked?

"It fits" Robin nodded. "No EMF, and leaves the bodies as is."

"Doc's a monster" Dean explained to Jack. "She killed her patients."

"No! No. No" Mia pleaded further. She took a deep breath. "I am what you say, but I have never killed anyone."

"I suggest you start talkin doc" Robin told her. "Because I am packin silver in these chambers."

"I'm helping people. My patients" she explained. "I shift into the person that they've lost, so that they could see them one last time, so that they can say goodbye."

"Wes Bailey and Gloria Simon" Dean nodded to her. "They're dead."

"Gloria was sliced and diced by someone who looked like her kid" Robin clarified. "Wes by his wife."

"You wanna tell us how your innocent again" Dean asked?

"Okay, I, um... I have an alibi for Wes. I volunteer at the women's shelter downtown" she told them. "I was there that night. You can call them. I know you guys are Hunters. But please, I am telling you the truth."

Needless to say they weren't going on the good doctor's word alone. No. Dean checked out the alibi, and sure enough, she was in the clear.

"Okay. Well, if you're not doing this, who is" Sam asked?

"I think I know" she replied grimly. She turned to a set of drawers and pulled out a picture before she handed it to them. "His name's Buddy. When we got together, I was young and stupid. He's a shifter, like me. The only one I'd ever met other than my mother. But he liked hurting people."

"Did he hurt you" Jack asked?

She nodded holding in her tears.

"Abusive boyfriends" Robin glowered. "Amongst the lowest forms of life."

Sam and Dean looked at Robin with surprise. The fact this triggered a response from her seemed odd to them.

"I left. Changed my face, my name" Mia continued. "Buddy wouldn't just kill people. He'd ruin their lives. He said he liked to see the look on their face when they realized they had nothing left. What I'm doing here... I know it can't make up for what...what he..."

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