Season 9 Episode 1: I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here

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*welp, was gonna wait until monday for this, but I was brought to 3000 views, so fuck it. Here we go*

"What do I do Specks" Dean murmured as he sat next to the bed. "How do I do this?"

She walked over to him and stood beside him. He hooked his arm around her legs and pulled her tightly to him, resting his head on her stomach, but his eyes fixated on his brother. What could she give him right now? Beyond this? Not a damn thing.

After an eternity, the doctor finally arrived to give them the rundown on Sam's state. "The MRI shows massive internal burns affecting many of the major organs" He explained. "Oxygen to the brain has been severely deprived. The coma is the result of the body doing everything in its limited power to protect itself from further harm."

"This wasn't supposed to happen" Dean shook his head helplessly.

"If your brother continues on this trajectory" The doctor nodded. "the machines might keep him alive, but –"

"He'll be dead" Dean snapped.

"Technically, yes" The doctor sighed. "I'm afraid so."

"So, there's – there's no recovery" Dean growled? "I mean, there's no bounce-back. There's no nothing."

"I'm afraid that's in God's hands now" The doctor nodded

Robin tensed, knowing this was a poor choice of words.

"You're a doctor. You're a medical professional" Dean barked. "You're trying to tell me that my brother's life is in God's hands? What, is that supposed to be a – a comfort?"

"Babe" Robin spoke up as Dean got to his feet.

"No, God has nothing to do with this equation at all" Dean roared as Robin stood between he and the doctor. "That's not good enough."

"Dean" she snapped, getting his attention on her. Dean seemed to even out when his eyes met hers.

"I need a walk" he muttered. "Can you stay with Sammy?"

"You don't want me with you" she asked?

"Right now, I need someone with my brother" he said in almost a whisper. "There is no one on this planet I trust more than you."

"Okay" she quietly nodded as he walked out of the room. She sat down in the chair beside the bed, she was going over in her mind what she could do to help Sam. There was only one spell book she could think of that might be able to help. She knew both Winchesters would be furious if they knew what she was thinking, but an angry Winchester was better than a dead one.

She teleported to the bunker and quickly ducked in before finding the book, sticking it in her bag and zipping back to the hospital unnoticed. She was still alone in the room when she returned, she popped open the book and began flipping through the pages. She grabbed the book of dark magic, the one she told them she wouldn't use. Well, tough shit. Sammy was dying and this was her most powerful spell book. She could hear familiar footsteps coming down the hall and slammed the book shut and quickly tucked it back in her bag before Dean bounded in the room. He looked at her, then quickly looked away.

That look, she knew that look, she hated that look. "What the hell did you do" she hissed?

"I uh" he wouldn't meet her eyes. "I went to the chapel. I reached out for help."

"To Cas" she asked?

"To everyone" he replied.

"Everyone who" she asked him?

"I sent out a massive SOS to any angel listening" He admitted.

"You" she stammered "You did what? You told a bunch of pissed off, freshly evicted angels where to find us? They're not all that eager to help us babe."

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