Season 13 Episode 6: Tombstone Pt 1

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Robin had stayed behind on the latest hunt. She was getting tired of hearing, Robin you wanna weigh in on this? No, I fucking don't she thought. I'm not here to be your fucking therapist, talk to each other and leave me out of it for once.

Okay, maybe she was reeling from the last hunt. She found herself in a spiral herself with Jack. The longer she was with him the more she seemed to be wearing the mom hat. This was a role she never expected to find herself in. She was raised in a world of hunters and though her mom was fantastic, it was short-lived. Bobby was a great dad, but there are a separate set of expectations for a father versus a mother. It was a role she felt ill equipped to fill.

What's more was, she wasn't this kid's mom. What would be overstepping here?

There was only one person she knew who had the answers to this, so she called.

"Hey Jodes" she muttered. "You busy?"

For you kid? Never.

"Sort of what I wanted to talk to you about. You know the whole spawn of Satan thing we've had going on?"

The kid?

"Yeah, Jack. He's sort of growing on me."

There was a long pause. Is that safe?

"He's a kid Jody" she replied. "He's scared and has no idea the power he has. Everyone is out to get him and I....I wanna be in his corner."

That sounds vaguely familiar.

"I'm in this position that I'm the one he turns to" Robin explained. "I don't think I'm cut out for it, what if I let him down?"

The fact your biggest fear is disappointing him tells me you are.

"Maybe" Robin sighed. "But I'm not his mom, me being in that role could just push him away."

As I recall there was a fourteen-year-old girl in my office many years ago who when I asked her her name she replied, eat me Pig.

"Not my finest moment" Robin winced.

Maybe not. But most of the people in this town have let you down kid. It made perfect sense. Kids don't come with a handbook.

"So I've heard" Robin scoffed.

I tend to think I'm a bit of an expert on being a mom to the kids who aren't mine.

"I would agree," Robin nodded. "It's why I called you."

My advice to you? Keep doing what you're doing. Let him come to you, but always be there for him when he comes. You got to a point where you knew if you called me, I was there for you, day, or night. It took time, but that's what you do.

"Hmm" Robin let the words echo in her mind.

And then when they grow up, you never know, they might stop resisting you. Be okay with them calling you theirs.

"Awe Sherrif" Robin chuckled. "You're going sappy on me now."

I'm just proud of you kid. And I love you.

"Love you back" Robin told her as Jack walked into the room. "Listen, the kid is here, I gotta go. We'll talk soon."

Sounds good.

Robin hung up her phone and looked at Jack. "Hey buddy, what do you need?"

"That was Jody" He asked? "She's your mom?"

"No, not...not really" Robin explained. "See, you know I'm different."

"You're a witch" he nodded.

"Right" Robin agreed. "But I'm also a hunter, and I was raised by hunters. My dad tried to give me a normal life. But we're sort of always the odd ones out. I didn't get along with some people growing up, and it wasn't entirely my fault. Some took it too far."

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