Season 9 Episode 12: Sharp Teeth Part 1

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*Bonus Post! So I recently started getting more comments on the story. All very kind and engaging and honestly, I love to talk about this story so I loved it. This user is still back in the beginning of Season 7 ( my favorite season) So it will be a while until they see this note. But because of their comments, I've hit a milestone. 100 Comments on the story. Good timing too considering where this story just turned. *

No sooner had Robin returned to the bunker and she started to pack up her things and move to her own room. It had happened. Dean had done what she always assumed he would, break her heart. And she like an idiot had given him the power to do so.

So, what does one do in a breakup? There was no question she could rebound or call an ex quickly and easily. She also had the option to go binge on ice cream and chick flicks with Jody. But that wasn't really Robin Singer style. No, Robin needed to kill something.

When the air had been cleared enough she didn't feel guilty going out on a hunt without Sam, she headed for Wisconsin. There had been a lot of farm animals killed recently missing organs. She'd promised Sam and Cas she would reach out if she needed help. They were working on finishing the healing process for Sam.

As for Dean, God knew where he was. Fuck Dean Winchester.

She'd been in town about a week when she got a call, oddly enough from the local hospital. The call was because one Garth Fitzgerald hadn't updated his emergency contacts, and Robin was still on that list. Robin called Sam while she was on route.

When she arrived Garth was cuffed to the hospital bed. Upon further investigation it turned out the dead cattle was apparently his doing.

"What the hell, Garth" she muttered to herself as she looked over his chart.

She heard the door gently open and assumed she'd be looking up to see the younger Winchester. Imagine her surprise when it was the older one.

He stopped in his tracks at the sight of her. He gulped and clenched his jaw before his expression turned hard. "Hey" he grunted at her.

"What the fuck are you doing here" she asked?

"I heard a John Doe on the wire" he shrugged, edging closer to the hospital bed. "Thought I'd take a shot" he told her with a shrug.

"Yeah well they identified him and called his emergency contacts" she pointed to herself before lowering her eyes back to the chart. "Get the fuck out."

"Oh that's real nice" he furrowed his brow at her.

"What the fuck did you expect" she snapped at him? "You walked away Dean."

"I did it because I need to protect you" he snapped back.

"Keep tellin yourself that" she muttered scanning the next page on the chart.

The door opened and this time she offered a warmer reception, though tainted by the previous arrival.

"Hey" Sam nodded to her.

"You made good time" she nodded to him.

"Yeah" he nodded. He looked between Dean, then Robin. She scowled and went back to her file before Sam looked back to Dean.

"Shouldn't you be healing" he asked Sam?

"He has been" Robin muttered. "I was on this case."

"Alone" Dean asked her?

She looked at him and scoffed. "Well, I guess I could have called Mitch or Joey, but I thought it best to not bring in the guys who harbor feelings for me, being newly single."

"And Jody" he asked her?

"Covering up some cases for me" she barked. "Didn't I tell you to fuck off?"

"Robin" Sam piped up, rescuing her from going further down that rabbit hole.

"Yeah" she nodded to him and cleared her throat. "So, he was hit by a car. The interesting part is he was running from a farmer I had been talking to."

"For the cattle killings" Sam asked her?

"Mhm" she replied. "Mr. Fitzgerald had just ripped the heart out of a cow. Thus, the cuffs."

"Why" Dean asked?

"Up until I discovered it was Garth who was doing this, my money was on Werewolves" Robin replied. She quickly added an "asshole" at the end.

"How long has he been out" Sam asked?

"Since he got here last night" Robin nodded. "I'm sticking around to ask him a few questions when he wakes up." She looked to Dean, "I tend to be more effective with Garth solo."

"Oh yeah, I've seen your tactics" Dean was getting irritated with her pushback. "God damn drill Sergeant."

"That is rich coming from you" she snarled.

Dean didn't reply, instead he turned back to his bag and came back with a syringe. "Why don't we speed the process up a little."

"You are not pumping him with adrenaline" Robin spat at him.

"You got a better idea" he roared?

Without word, Sam slapped Garth and he sprang up in bed screaming, startling the two enthralled in their argument.

"Robin" Garth gasped. "Sam, Dean? What- am I in a hospital?"

"Hey hey hey" Robin said gently walking to the head of the bed in an attempt to soothe him. "It's cool buddy, we're here."

"You were hit by a car" Sam explained. "Do you remember anything?"

"Vaguely" he replied putting his hands in the air, only to be restrained by the handcuffs. "What's with the hardware?"

"You tell us" Dean barked. "and while you're at it, how about telling us why you went AWOL for the last six months."

Garth looked to Robin. "Not completely AWOL" her eyes narrowed at him.

"What" Dean snapped at her?

"You got my notes" he asked her?

"I'm still curious about the whole cloak and dagger act though pal" she nodded to him. "Thought you knew, your name is Fitzgerald, but buddy, you're a Singer."

He gave her an apologetic look.

"Why'd you off a cow" Dean interrupted their exchange?

"A what" Garth asked? "I was on a hunt."

"No I was on a hunt" Robin replied. "Turns out you were the thing that went bump in the night."

"Oh no" he cried out. His spindly hands were able to slide out of the cuffs. He pulled out the monitors and the IV before he rushed to the bathroom to puke.

Sam and Dean pulled up a chair, while Robin got on the bed, folded her arms, and closed her eyes.

"Anything on Gadreel" Dean asked Sam in an attempt to make small talk?

"Uh yeah" Sam replied. "Guess he left some grace behind."

"Do you know how wrong that sounds" Dean asked?

"Don't worry about it" Sam replied. "Cas took care of it."

"What about you" she heard Dean turn to face her?

"Not your problem anymore" she told him.

"Really" Dean asked her? "We can't even be civil anymore?"

"Here I thought I was just about back to where I was when I didn't want to be around you the first time" she replied.

"What happened to your arm" Sam asked?

"That would be the mark of Cain" Dean replied.

"Like the wrestler" Sam asked?

"I wish" Dean replied. "Old Testament dude. Crowley and I found him, and he gave it to me so I could eighty-six Abaddon."

"Went buddy cop with Crowley and got ink from the man who invented murder" Robin scoffed. "Sounds like a wild party." Robin opened her eyes and sat up straight, "you hear that?"

"I don't hear anything" Sam shook her head.

"My point" she nodded as she got to her feet and rushed to the bathroom door. She swung it open to discover it empty. "He bolted."

"Son of a bitch" Dean hissed.

"Okay" Sam nodded. "I'm gonna head to the farm he was found by last night, see what was going down."

"Drop the name agent Cooper" Robin nodded.

"Right, Robin you start combing the area, see if you can suss him out" Sam nodded to her. "Dean you go find the security footage. See if we can get some intel."

The three broke into their perspective jobs. Robin was able to go outside and use a tracking spell to get a trace on any aura trail he may have left. Going on foot the trail soon ran too thin to follow any further. She had been walking back to the hospital for a solid ten minutes when Sam pulled over to the side of the road in front of her.

"Anything" Sam asked her as she climbed in?

"Took off in a car for sure" she nodded. "Why I lost the trail so quick. Old man give you anything he didn't give me?"

"That he was gonna shoot first and ask questions later" Sam nodded. "And he thought it was some Satanic ritual because organs were missing."

"No would have been the faster answer" she nodded. "You hear from your brother?"

"No" Sam replied. "Figured I'd touch base when we were closer. He might try and give us the slip."

"Good call" she agreed.

"You wanna maybe go easier on him" Sam asked?

"Do you" she challenged?

"No" Sam shook his head. "Not really."

She grinned at him and gave him a nod as they pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

Sure enough Dean was trying to throw them off the case, claiming he had nothing as he exited the building. Robin and Sam, however, hid behind an ambulance and were able to intercept him and his file with security footage clear as day. The car, the make, model, and plate.

"Look, I told you we can't hunt together" Dean snapped at them.

"We can't do a lot of things together anymore Dean" Robin told him matter-of-factly. "Hunting is one of the things we'd still be good at."

"I can think of other things" he muttered to himself.

"Well, I can't" she shot back looking at the file. "Car belongs to Bess Myers" she read out. "Lives the next town over."

By the time they found the address of the woman in question, Sam and Dean were both worked up, their tempers taking hold, they booted in the door, guns drawn, startling Garth.

"Whoa, okay guys" he cried out putting his hands up defensively. "It's cool, I can explain everything."

"Where's the girl" Dean demanded picking up a discarded bra from the couch?

Suddenly a door opened at the side of the room and a female werewolf sprang out at them.

Dean grabbed Robin and shielded her with his body. She ducked under his arm to face the wolf and cried out, "clypeus" shielding the two of them from the attack while Sam lunged at her with a silver knife.

"No" Garth cried out stepping between she and Sam. Sam nicked her with the knife and her skin sizzled. "Please don't hurt her" he pleaded.

"Garth" Dean barked over his shoulder, still holding Robin. "She's a werewolf."

"So am I" Garth shouted.

The three stood in frozen horror looking at their friend.

"Now let's all calm down and talk about this rationally" he nodded before he turned his attention to Robin. "I think you have some explaining yourself."

Robin nodded to him. She then realized Dean was still holding onto her torso. "Get off of me" she snapped, backhanding his back.

Garth took the wolf to the couch where she transformed back and looked at him gently. He started to tend to the cut from the silver blade.

"Alright" Garth finally broke the silence. "I think that we got off on the wrong foot. So, let's do things right. Boys, Robin, this is Bess, my beloved. And, Bess, that's Dean. Now, he could start a fight in an empty house, but deep down inside, he's just a big ol' Teddy bear. And Sam here -- Sam can be a bit insecure at times, but for good reason. Bless his heart. As for Robin, she's a feisty little thing, always thinks she's got somethin to prove, but all she really wants is to be good enough to make her parents proud. I didn't know Addy, but I can safely say Bobby was."

"That's sweet" Dean glared. "Werewolf?"

"All right, guys, look" Garth started. "About six months ago, I was outside Portland, Maine, hunting this big bad wolf. I took him down, but he bit me in the process.

"And you didn't call one of us" Dean barked?

"And tell you what? That I messed up" He replied? "No, I-I knew the deal. There's no cure, so I accepted my fate. Ate my favorite dish of egg fu Yung, watched the world's greatest movie, "Rocky III"" and then was ready to eat a bullet, when Bess here found me."

"And how'd she do that" Sam asked?

"Smelled him" she shrugged. "How else?"

"Yeah. She talked the gun out of my mouth, and, as they say, the rest is history" Garth shrugged. "We've been married for four months now."

"You're married" Sam asked in disbelief?

"To a werewolf" Dean added.

"Yes" Bess nodded. "And my pack has taken him in as one of our own."

"Guys, it's not what you think" Garth defended. "We don't hurt people."

"No, you just go all Wolverine on cattle" Dean snapped.

"At least he's not eating human hearts" Bess shot back. "Do you have any idea how hard it is for a bitten to control his instincts, like Garth does? How well he's doing?"

"Wait. A -- a "bitten"" Sam asked? "You're all bitten."

"Not at all" Bess shook her head. "You're either born to it, like I was, or you're bitten, like Garth."

"Hold on" Dean attempted to clarify. "You said you were -- you were born a werewolf?"

"Second generation" Bess nodded.

"Robin" Garth turned his attention to her. "You're awfully quiet."

"What can I say" she asked? It was a lot to take in, but she also had to be careful how she approached this. Garth had just admitted to his hunter friends, he was a monster. It was territory Robin had been acquainted with.

"That's a fair point" he nodded. "Because I have a few questions about what I just saw."

"Well you're a werewolf" she shrugged. "I'm a witch."

"A witch" he smiled at her; his eyes crinkled.

"Don't get racist on me" Robin chuckled.

"How did it happen" he asked her?

"The witch you've helped me with" she nodded. "Turned me."

"She tur-" he stopped. "Robin, you're the third daughter."

"What" she snapped?

"The witch mother" Garth got to his feet in excitement. "She turns three girls at a time. Calls them her daughters. She's only had two for the last couple of decades."

"I was seven when she turned me" Robin said as she mentally pieced it together.

"Uh witch mother" Sam asked her?

"The witch who killed my mom" Robin nodded.

"You have been working the case the whole time" Dean asked her? "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were kind of busy" she snapped. "Then I wasn't telling you anything."

"Robin I told you when this case came up, we were with you" he replied.

"You also told me, I'm not going anywhere as I recall" she snapped.

"Trouble in paradise" Garth cocked an eyebrow at them both?

"Paradise is dead" Robin scowled. "Listen, appreciate the new intel, but dude, you gotta understand the skepticism on the werewolf scene."

"Come pray with us" Garth nodded.

"I'm sorry what" Robin asked?

"My father is a local pastor" Bess explained. "Our pack live, peacefully. We're having a service at his house this afternoon. We would love for you to be there."

"You sure" Robin asked her skeptically?

"I've heard so much about you all" Bess explained. "Especially you Robin. You're the little sister Garth never had. Tells stories all the time about how he'd tease you, drive you crazy."

She paused and thought, "Yeah that checks out." Robin agreed to go and pray with Garth's pack. She of course took silver bullets; she wasn't about to be without her guns in a Wolfpack.

Sam declined the invite and decided to dig up intel on Bess's family. Meanwhile Dean had also agreed to join Garth, forcing Robin to catch a ride with him.

There was a long and awkward silence on the drive until finally, Dean decided he would have the balls to break it. "Can I ask you a favor" he murmured?

"This Ought to be good" she huffed.

"Could we just attempt to be civil adults here" he asked her?

"I don't know how to be civil with you right now Dean" she replied calmly. "You have no idea-" she cut herself off and shook her head. Her breath buckled in her throat.

"No idea" he scoffed? "Specks I-."

"No" she snapped as her voice wavered in her throat and she choked back the tears. "You do not get to call me that. Not anymore."

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