Season 10 Episode 2: Reichenbach

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* Well that is quite the welcome back! Two days ago I posted the first chapter of the new season and you guys took me to 10,000 views! I can't believe people have stopped by to read what I wrote 10,000 times. So THANK YOU! Sure am glad I finished editing this one last night! *

As Robin disconnected the call, she saw the sun coming up over the horizon. She'd been following Dean, or in a ditch all night. The rain had stopped, but she was still drenched. Her clothes were heavy and restricting, the very last thing she needed right now.

She opened her saddlebag on the side of her bike, it hadn't soaked through, fortunately. She stripped out of her wet clothes and changed into dry, as the sun came up. She then grabbed her bike and rolled it out of the ditch.

She sat down on it and focused on the earring she gave Sam, with her gun in hand. She wasn't sure what she was walking into. She teleported to Sam finding him zip tied to a chair. She had her guns at the ready and looked around the barn they were in.

"He's outside" Sam whispered.

She grabbed her knife from her waist and cut the zip ties before getting back on her bike. Sam hopped on and held on with his good arm. She turned the bike to the back door of the shed, revved it, and blew through it like it wasn't there.

They drove for about twenty minutes and stopped at a motel. Robin got the room and got Sam inside to take care of his wounds.

"Would you let me heal them" she asked him? She was irritated she had to perform the tedious task when a quick spell would have done the trick.

"No" he told her. "I wear this until my brother's back."

"A weird honor badge, but fine" she huffed sewing up the stitches on his forehead. "What was that guy" she asked?

"Human" Sam replied. "Sounds like his father wasn't though. Dean did him in back in 03. He's been fueled by revenge ever since."

"Shitty timing for him" Robin muttered.

"He tried to use me as leverage. Dean told him to kill me" Sam explained. "How did you know to call?"

"Well I thought I was tailing Dean, unbeknownst to him" she explained.

"And" Sam asked?

"It was beknownst to him" she nodded. "Ran me off the road, left me for dead in a ditch."

"Jesus Christ, Robin" he shook his head, repulsed by his brother's behavior.

"I healed, I'm fine" she dismissed his concern. "I have a plan brewing. Just need to test some more waters to confirm."

"What kind of waters" he asked?

"Think we should call in at this point" she asked changing the subject? "Little angels versus demons action?"

"I don't know if he's up to it" Sam replied.

"If he needs to save his juice and have me pick him up it's fine" she sighed. "But we should at least make the call."

"Right" Sam nodded as she cut off the thread, finishing her work.

"I need coffee" she grumbled.

"Sounds good" he nodded. "I could eat."

"Diner down the street" she suggested. She got to her feet and grabbed her not drenched jacket before they headed for the parking lot.

"Samantha and little Tabitha." The two spun around knowing the voice. "Miss me?"

"Not enough" Robin snapped.

"Look I'm sorry for the whole other woman fiasco" Crowley replied. "I did ask why go out for hamburgers when you have steak at home."

"Piss poor reference" Robin snapped. "Have you seen Dean around a hamburger?"

"Right, well" Crowley replied. "You're here for Dean. I'm here to give him to you."

"What" Sam furrowed his brow?

"The little prat's bad for business. He's...uncontrollable" Crowley snapped. "Must be the Mark."

"That part ain't the mark" Robin replied.

"Anyway, Dean's your problem now" he told them." -- again, forever."

"Where is he" Sam asked desperately?

"First, there's the small matter of my finder's fee" Crowley replied.

"What do you want" Robin snarled?

"The first blade" Crowley replied.

"You can have it" Sam nodded "where is he?"

Crowley turned his attention to Robin. "I believe you know the address. Really seems to like that bar."

Robin took a deep breath with a slow irritated release. "Yeah, I know it."

"Chat soon" Crowley told them before he disappeared.

"Robin" Sam asked, knowing she wasn't telling him everything?

"Let's go" she growled.

They returned to the bar that Robin had infiltrated the day before. Before he even faced them, he must have sensed them. "Hiya guys" Dean called. He turned to face them then called to the bar tender. "Hey, Harv, why don't you go grab a smoke?"

He gave Dean a nod and left the building. Dean's attention turned back to Sam. "Who winged you?"

"Does it matter" Sam asked?

"Not really" he shook his head and looked at Robin. "You didn't heal him?"

"Not my call" she shook her head.

He bit his lip and shrugged. "I told you to let me go."

"You know we can't do that" Sam replied. "By the way, your, uh, pal Crowley...Sold you out."

"Sounds like him" he sighed. Dean got to his feet and headed over to the bar where he helped himself to some whiskey.

"Dean, hold on a second" Sam pleaded. "You don't have to do this. Look, we know how to cure demons. You remember that?"

"Little Latin, lot of blood. It rings a bell" he nodded. "Did you ever stop to think that if I wanted to be cured, I wouldn't have bailed?"

"That was Crowley" Sam replied.

"It really wasn't" Dean smiled.

"It doesn't matter, all right" Sam told him." 'Cause whatever went down, whatever happened, we will fix it."

"Will we? 'Cause right now, I'm doing all I can not to come over there and rip your throat out... with my teeth" He glared at him and then looked at Robin. "As for you, change throat to panties."

She hated that she felt the blush in her cheeks and watched him smile at his work.

"I'm giving you a chance, Sam" he warned. "You should take it."

"I'm gonna have to pass" Sam stood firm.

"Well, I'm not walking out that door with you. I'm just not" Dean told him. "So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me? Because I think that would be unwise. Your lone ally there, still jonesin for me. She will turn on you to protect me."

"No" Sam sighed; pain radiating off him. "No Dean, I'm not gonna kill you."

"Why" he asked? "You don't know what I've done. I might have it coming."

"Well, I don't care" Sam shook his head. "Because you are my brother. And I'm here to take you home."

Dean laughed at him before he mocked him. "You're my brother, and I'm here to take you home." Yeah, what is this, a Lifetime movie? Huh? With your puppy-dog eyes? Oh, thanks, Sammy. I needed that."

Robin reached in her backpack and pulled out the warded cuffs.

"Kinky, I like" he taunted her. "You really think those are gonna work?"

"Guess we'll see" she shrugged.

There was the sound of broken glass and a gas bomb rolling across the floor.

Robin and Sam started to cough and headed for the back door. Sam kicked the door open, gasping for air. As they exited the building, Sam was sucker punched and fell to the ground.

Robin was still coughing and leaned up against the wall. The assailant gently took her arm and attempted to guide her through the smoke.

"Come on sweetheart" he told her gently. "We need to get you out of here."

She recognized the voice immediately as the guy who had taken Sammy. She pulled her arm from his grasp and elbowed him in the nose.

"Robin I presume" he replied cradling his nose.

"You catch on quick" she coughed. "You're gonna wanna get the fuck out of here."

"Now why would I do that" he asked pointing a gun at her?

"Because you have no idea what you just walked into" She told him, not even flinching. She spun and attempted to kick the gun from his hand, but he fired shooting her in the leg. She screamed and fell to the ground.

"Now you shouldn't have done that", came Dean's voice, announcing his presence across the parking lot. "She was trying to save your ass."

"Wow" The man stepped back from Robin to face Dean. "It's really you."

"We met" Dean asked?

"Talked on the phone" he replied.

"You didn't handle this guy" Dean asked Robin?

"My priority was Sam" she snapped, wincing from the bullet in her leg. "Extractum" she hissed. The bullet pulled out of her leg, and she groaned.

"How'd you do that" he asked her?

"Here there be monsters" she growled.

"Nice" Dean nodded to her. He turned his attention to the gunman. "You're the guy who's supposed to put a bullet in Sammy's brain. Did you miss?"

"Well, I had a better idea. I figured if I let your bro escape, he'd go running to you, and all I had to do was just tag along" he explained. "And now here we are, finally -- Dean Winchester."

"Great" Dean snapped almost circling him like a shark. "A groupie."

"You remember me" The man asked?

"Yeah, yeah" Dean replied unenthusiastically. "You're that guy from that thing" he shrugged.

"Medela" Robin groaned.

"Nyack, New York, June 21, 2003" the man continued.

"That supposed to ring a bell" Dean shook his head?

"It was the night you gutted and murdered a man by the name of Edward Trenton" he told him. "He was my father."

"Okay" Dean shrugged.

"Okay" the man snarled?!

"Well, hey, I'm not saying I didn't slice and dice your old man" Dean replied casually. "I'm just saying that he wasn't the first, and he certainly wasn't the last, and they all just kind of get blended up."

"I saw you...That night...After. You let me live. That was dumb -- real dumb" He told him, pointing his gun at him. "I spent half my life training for this moment. I've played out this fight a thousand times in my mind. And I know all about you, Dean-o. And you're good. Oh, you're real good. But, you see, I'm better."

"Prove it" Dean egged him on. "Take a shot."

"Now, that's not payback" the man told him holstering his gun.

"Dude" Robin huffed. Cringing and she got to her feet. "Seriously, run."

"Stay out of this darlin" he warned her. "I really don't want to have to hurt you again." He looked at Dean and pulled out his knife. "This is payback."

The man leapt at Dean to attack. Dean simply stepped aside and evaded with little effort. He went back for Dean again, this time Dean simply took his gun, popped the clip and dropped it on the ground. "You know...And I'm just spit balling here, but, uh, are not as good as you think you are" Dean taunted with a shrug.

The assailant took a martial arts stance and Dean chuckled. "Oh! You know Kung Fu?"

"I know everything" he sneered. He attacked Dean in a rage. Dean barely lifted a finger to toss him to the ground.

"What did you think was gonna happen, huh" Dean asked? "You just stroll up here and say "my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," And I'd just roll over" he asked giving Robin a wink in reference to her favorite movie? He hunched over the man on the ground and condescendingly put his hands on his knees. "Well, that's just -- it makes me sad."

He lunged from the ground with a knife and put a slice into Dean's cheek. Dean made him drop the knife and caught his arms. "You have no idea what you walked into here, do you? None" his voice was deep and menacing as the knife wound healed before their eyes.

"What are you" the man growled?

"I'm a demon" Dean smirked as his eyes turned black. He knocked the man to the ground and pinned him to a car with the first blade to his throat

"Do it" the man hissed! "You said if you saw me, you would kill me, so do it!"

The corner of Dean's mouth turned up. "Guess I changed my mind."

Sam started to stir and looked over to Robin from across the parking lot. He quietly showed her he still had the cuffs. She nodded to him, knowing he would need a distraction. She got to her feet and headed to the side of Dean opposite Sam. "Oh no, my top fell off" she declared. Dean's attention instantly turned to her. Sam rushed him with holy water and slapped the cuffs on him.

Dean roared with anger. Sam got him to his knees, "Stop it's over" he commanded.

The man struggled but got to his feet. Robin stood between him and Dean and put her hand up. "No, it's over. Go."

"This isn't over" he told her.

"Yes it is" she snarled, her eyes flaring purple. "Leave."

The man took a few steps back and left the alley.

Robin brought around the impala, and they loaded Dean in the backseat. She sat on the opposite side with a gun loaded with demon trap bullets.

Dean was seething as Sam got out to give Crowley the first blade.

"How do you think this plays out Robin" he asked her? "You think we get back to the bunker, you guys start injections of purified blood and we're one big happy family again? Huh?"

"I don't know how this plays out " she sighed. "I want my Dean back" she nodded. "But I guess for now, you'll have to do."

"In cuffs" he asked her in surprise?

"You're the one who said he liked kinky" she replied with a smirk.

He grinned at her as Sam came back to the car. She jumped and assumed the position with the gun pointed at Dean. She sat stiff, unsure, her expression had turned serious. Dean seemed to relish it, smiling at her, fiendishly.

After the sun had set and there had been a long silence in the car, Sam spoke up, "This thing is filthy."

"It's just a car, Sam" Dean snapped.

"Whoa" Robin gasped.

"Wow. You really have gone dark" Sam scoffed.

"You have no idea" Dean sneered.

"You know what, Dean" Sam shook his head? "I saw what happened back there. You could have killed that guy, and you didn't. You took mercy on him."

"You call that mercy" Dean laughed? "Imagine you spend your whole life hunting down the guy that knifed your father. When you finally find him... He whips you like a dog. How do you think that feels? That kid's gonna spend his whole life knowing that he had his shot and that he couldn't beat me. That ain't mercy. That's the worst thing I could have done to him. And what I'm gonna do to you, Sammy... Well, that ain't gonna be mercy, either." He looked over at Robin. "And you? You're gonna be black and blue and walking bull legged for a month, but you're gonna beg me for it. Over and over again." 

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