Chapter 5

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Ms, Maetri tells me she hates my political science essay. She also does this with Rahul Khanna standing beside me as if any further humiliation was necessary.

"You're too political Anjali!" she looks at me over the rim of her glasses.

"Too political?" I question, not understanding what the problem is.

"You have very strong feelings about the patriarchal difference in our society and the power it holds. It's creating bias in your essay. How can I give you marks for validity?" she asks me, as if I have an answer.

"But it's true Ms, Maetri, we're being oppressed-" I start, Ms, Maetri cuts me off immediately, avoiding any further discussion.

"Oh hush hush, it's better to not get into that discussion now" she waves her hand at me, demanding silence.

I'm holding back words to avoid getting a yard duty, potentially detention, or maybe even a suspension if it gets to that, based on how the anger runs in my veins and how there's so many words on the tip of my tongue, I conclude, bitterly, that it will get to that. I bite my tongue to stop myself from having an outburst. Ms, Maetri turns to look at Rahul.

"And you young man, you seem to have also taken a page from Ms, Anjali's book. Your essay holds very strong accusations, it is way too controversial" she tells him.

Rahul seems unbothered, he shrugs his shoulders, "well, we are in political science" he says.

Ms, Maetri shakes her head, takes off her glasses and clasps her hands together on her table. She looks up at us, as if hesitating to tell us what's to happen.

"Well, based on these essays, all I can do is fail you both" she tells us, her voice even, yet slightly measured.

My heart thrums loudly in my chest, my stomach drops, I begin to protest, "But-"

She raises her hand, indicating to me to stop.

"But, the faculty believes that is too harsh, and based on both of your previous performances and your performance in your other subjects, they have decided against it" she states.

I heave a sigh of relief.

"However, they have assigned you both another project, if you two work well and perform well, you two will have a chance to amend your grade, and can even achieve an A, something all the faculty members believe is possible" she smiles at us, a nervous smile.

For some reason I can sense a "but" in the conversation. Almost as if there's something that will make this harder for me and Rahul.

"Okay great, now what's our assignment Ms, the sooner you tell us, the quicker we'll be out of your hair" Rahul speaks up.

"You two have been chosen to represent the school in the state debate..." she begins.

"Oh great-" I smile, enthusiastic at the opportunity.

"...together" Ms, Maetri concludes.

My face falls, "what?"

I turn my face to the right to see Rahul is equally as surprised.

"There's got to be a mistake-" I rush out the words.

"I'm afraid there's not, Anjali, this is the faculty's decision, if you two don't agree to this, I'm afraid it'll be a failing grade for this assessment" she answers in a concluding tone.

Work together. With Rahul? No. No.

"Ms, Maetri, if you are unaware, or have forgotten, let me remind you that Ms, Sharma and I cannot stand each other, working together will only lead to us harming each other. It's best for the sake of each other's survival that we do not work together and look at another alternative" Rahul states.

For once I agreed with Rahul, "yes, exactly what he said" I say, backing his statement.

"Finally admitting to me always being right, are you Sharma?" Rahul smirks at me.

I cannot believe this man can still mock me while both of our grades are at stake.

"Aren't you funny? Craving my validation, are we Khanna?" I hiss at him.

"Well it's good that you two aren't working alone then" Ms, Maetri smiles up at us, "Ms Fabioci will be joining you two for the debate. And besides, it's either this or an E, there is no alternative, I hope you two make the right decision." Ms, Maetri stands up, "now, off with you two" she shoos us away with a wave of her hand as she smiles at us.

I cannot believe this, you'd expect the only Indian teacher at school to be nicer to us. However, Ms, Maetri is afraid everyone else thinks this exact same thing all the time. Forget nice, I think she purposely goes out of her way to make life harder for Rahul and me. Ensuring that no one even accidentally thinks about her being partial to us two, the only Indian students in her political science class.

"I can't believe I have to work with this moron. '' I whisper as we walk out of Ms Maetri's office.

"If you're calling me a moron, at least have the guts to say it to my face" Rahul says loudly, before turning around to look at me, a challenge in his eyes.

I stand my ground.

"I can't believe I have to work with a moron for this debate" I state, staring right into his eyes.

"Aww Sharma, there's no need to be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you're not that stupid" Rahul smiles.


"What's that supposed to mean?" I yell after him as he turns around to leave, stomping my foot in frustration.

I hate how he can get this sort of reaction out of me.

I hate how I allow him to treat me like this.

I hate him

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