Chapter 11

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My head is spinning. What just happened.

My face is hot and flaming, Rahul leans back a little, his lips still dangerously close to my ear.

"I did" I manage to croak out, my voice low.

"Not really" Rahul whispers, "I want to know more, I have seen your mum, and the way she cares for you" his voice is low and husky.

I can't think straight, "Stop talking like that" I reprimand him.

He looks at me, a confused look in his eyes, "What?"

I don't say anything, only gaze up at him through my lashes, keeping my face down.

Rahul senses what I'm trying to do, he places his right index finger under my chin, pushing my face up so that I have to look at him.

He leans down towards my face, his voice is almost a growl as he asks, "Like what Sharma?"

I gulp nervously, "In that low, primitive tone" I whisper.

I watch as his lips part slightly, and how for a second, his gaze dips down to my lips before he looks me in the eyes again. He scans my face as if discerning something. I hold my breath as I wait for something to happen. After what feels like eternity, he finally sighs, he clenches his eyes shut as if in pain. He slowly moves away from me. He turns away and walks towards his car.

I can still feel the warmth from his hand lingering on my face. My chest feels heavy, as if I've lost something important.

I watch as the distance between us grows and wonder if I should follow him. Would he still drop me home?

Rahul walks another two steps before he turns around to look at me, "Are you coming or what?"

"Oh right" I mumble embarrassed, sprinting towards him. I slow down as I near him before gradually breaking into a comfortable walking pace to match his.

"My mum comes home late most days" I whisper.

Rahul turns his head slightly to look at me, he seems a little surprised.

"She does care a lot about me, way more than she needs to. She's just" I sigh, as a frustration burns in my throat, "she, I think she sees herself as someone who's not enough for me." My voice shakes as I continue speaking,

"My father left us when I was very young, I don't even remember his face. My mother and him were never compatible, they were married due to the arrangements their families made. They both had extremely different values." I don't look at Rahul as I continue speaking, afraid that the tears welling up in my eyes would let loose if I did.

"My father ended up being a typical husband with a narrow minded thinking, he didn't like my mum working, or her being social with other men, he was extremely possessive of her. I used to wonder whether this is how people acted when they loved someone. I realised a little too late that there was no love there. It hurts because I see that love on my mother's face. Despite how much she thought him unfit as a husband and father, she did love him. My father though has never felt that love towards her, or maybe he did. I'm not really too sure." My voice comes out as a whimper.

Rahul comes closer to me, wrapping his jacket around my shoulders, "Stop it."

I look up at him, my vision is blurry because of the tears. I had hoped I wouldn't cry but alas.

He hesitates but eventually brushes away my tears, "Stop crying. I don't want to see you cry." He runs his hand through his hair, some strands fall back on his forehead. He's staring at me so intensely that I almost tumble under his gaze.

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