Chapter 40

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I look up at him in shock, Rahul. He was standing in front of me, when I'd almost forgotten about him. When he had almost left my mind. Almost.

My lips part slightly in surprise.

He continues staring at me blankly.

Carter tilts his head to the side, "Ruining some sort of reunion am I?" I think he meant it as a joke, half expecting us to laugh.

"As a matter of fact, you are. Please go away" Rahul looks at Carter, staring at him stoically until he shrugs and leaves.

Rahul turns his head to look back at me.

"You cut your hair" he says, lifting a strand of my hair in his hand.

I snatch my hair out of his hand, "Don't touch my hair" I seethe.

"Well, it's nice to see you too, Sharma" he replies.

"Don't do that" I whisper, "You don't get to do this. You left Rahul."

He lifts his eyes to meet mine and simply stares, I shake my head and turn away from him.

I walk out of the hallway with long, sure strides while my heart hammers in my chest.

Rahul Khanna is here, I press the elevator button and press it again, I keep pressing it until the elevator doors open with a familiar ding. I keep my head down, letting my hair cover my face as I try to keep the tears swelling in my eyes at bay.

— — — — — —

I toss and turn in bed that night. I finally sit up just after midnight, there's no point in forcing a sleep that won't come. Might as well do something useful, I pull out my laptop. I start making a list of things I want to cover in this orientation week to better my chances at getting a job offer. My academic record wasn't the problem, the problem would be standing out and highlighting my plus points over all the people that are inevitably competing for the same spot.

I gnaw on my thumb nail as I start jotting down things I already know. I'm aiming for a spot in the biomed engineering department, there's approximately 5 spots available with a good 15-20 people aiming for it. The other departments aren't any of my concern as long as I can get one of these spots. I sigh, rubbing my temple exasperatedly, Carter is aiming for a spot in the same department as me. I grit my teeth as I try not to get frustrated, I sit up straight all of a sudden as a realisation dawns on me. Rahul. What was he doing there? I was certain he wasn't in the line up of orientation employees, at least I am fairly certain. Could it be possible that he was put in a group before I noticed him. I close the laptop screen as I flop down on my bed.

Just when I think everything is working out, something has to happen. If Carter wasn't enough of a problem, now I had to worry about Rahul too. What was it with him, just when I think he's out of my life, he comes barging back.

I roll over on my stomach and scream in the pillow and turn right back on my back again. My heart beats wildly in my chest as I tell myself everything will work out.

I stare up at the ceiling and fall asleep to the rhythmic turning of the fan blades.

— — — — — —

I wake up resolved.

The sheer white curtains flap wildly in the open window next to my bed.

I clutch my head as I try to recall when I left the window open and realise with a start that I opened it when I was writing down notes the night before, unable to fall asleep. I sigh as the unwanted memory of Rahul once again crosses my mind.

I pull back the sheets as I walk over to the open window, I walked over to close it but when I stare out over the view of the numerous buildings and the hustle bustle of the city below, all of a sudden my anxious thoughts seem like nothing but a minute detail. 

— — — — — —

I run a hand through my hair as I attempt to make it look presentable again. I always despised New York's taxis, now I had a valid reason to loathe them even more.

Despite waking up at the crack of dawn, here I was, having ran to the company building midway through the taxi ride, due to the throng of traffic that would've made it impossible to get here on time. Annoying as he may be, taking Carter's advice and wearing slightly flat heeled shoes came in handy today.

I pick up my pace once more as a few people get into the lift to the orientation hallway, glad to have made it on time this time around.

As the lift doors open and people walk into their respective rooms, I slip into the bathrooms nearby. I straighten out my navy blue button down that seemed as if I hadn't even attempted to iron it, the satin shirt looking uncharacteristically dishevelled. I tug the hem neatly back into the black skirt I'm wearing and touch up on my lipstick. I glance down at my watch, I still have 15 minutes before we're supposed to be assigned our new tasks.

I take a few deep breaths as I exit the bathroom.

I walk into the orientation hall and don't need to look around a lot to find the person I'm looking for.

I walk towards him with sure, confident strides, ready to get the talk over and done with.

He's talking to a woman with striking auburn hair pulled back in a french twist, she's wearing a black work dress that's belted at her waist. She looks like someone important, I excuse myself as I walk up to them. The woman pauses midway through her sentence and looks at me. Rahul, whose back was turned towards me as I walked up to them, finally turns around to look at me.

"Excuse me" I apologise, "Would it be alright if I had a quick word with Mr. Khanna?" I say.

The woman smiles, "Of course, I'll see you around Rahul." I do not miss the slight touch as she brushes his forearm before walking away, I wasn't aware they were on first name basis.

When I don't say anything, Rahul breaks the silence, "You wanted to speak with me?"

"Oh, yes" I say slowly.

I take a look around, "Um, let's talk over there" I point to a table by one of the huge windows that lit the hall with natural light.

Rahul nods as he follows me to the table.

I come to a stop with the window to my back as I lean against the table, Rahul stops in front of me.

"So, do you work here?" I ask, realising how random and awkward that sounded once the words leave my lips.

To my surprise, Rahul grins, "Stalking me are you now?"

I look at him, not exactly amused, "Please, you wish Mr. Khanna."

"Mr Khanna...?" I watch as his smile slowly fades and a coldness returns to his eyes.

I feel more at ease now, the more professional we remain the better.

"Well you must know, this complicates things for me, knowing someone who works here, people like Carter could go on to assume things if I end up getting this position. The validity of the offer I get if I do get one-" my chest feels tight as I say the words, it's almost as if I'm tripping over them and yet they come out elegantly, almost robotically.

"You need not worry about that" Rahul cuts me off, "I've already told my colleagues about being acquainted with you, rest assured if you do get the position it will be on your own merit, I will not be having the final call about whether you get this position or not." he looks down at me as he says this, his face vacant, he had changed I realise all of a sudden, I'd never seen him look this empty before, more times than not there was a grin plastered on his face or a mocking smirk. Perhaps this was what he was like in a professional environment or maybe something really had changed.

It's only when he speaks again that I realise I'd been staring at him wordlessly, "If that was all, I'll get going, I'm sure you have your own tasks to tackle" he leaves without giving me a chance to reply, not once turning back to look at me.

And yet all I can think about is that lady with the auburn hair and whether it is her overlooking my performance now.

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