Chapter 27

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I stand there, under the moonlight, the same alluring moonlight Dev had been standing under a minute ago.

"I'm not Rahul" his words ring in my head as I sit down on the cold stone steps.

He'd walked away after he'd said them, wishing me a goodnight again as he walked past me to his room.

Goodnight. The night is anything but good.

I sit down under the old banyan tree, watching the vines adorning the haveli sway along with the wind.

The moonlight covers everything in a blue hue, and yet I sit here with an unsettled mind instead of the peace the scenery would've provided to an unbothered mind.

I had hoped I would feel some relief over clearing things with Dev and yet I seem to be even more troubled.

The guilt over possibly leading him on has turned into a heartache for hurting him.

And as I sit here in the chilly night I cannot decide which is more bearable.

— — — — — —

After a while the cold seemed to have bested me.

I trudge up the stone steps to a side door of the haveli.

I tug at the handle to see if the door is unlocked and then dig through my purse for the key as I find the door locked.

I drop the key twice, "Curses, does everything have to go against me today" I grit as I catch the key before it can fall for the third time.

My hands are jittery, the cold making them numb.

I finally heave a sigh of relief as I slip inside, shutting the door behind me as I lock it once again.

As tempting as a hot bath is at the moment, my drooping lids suggest otherwise.

I'd probably fall asleep in the bath, my heart thrums as death by an accidental drowning comes to mind.

I'll just brush and head to bed.

I walk past the foyer to the staircase and stop as I see Rahul standing by one of the long windows, he's staring out over the gardens.

Why does he have to be up right now.

I try to make my way past him as quietly as I can but to no avail, he turns around as the bangles on my wrist clink together as I walk by.

"Sharma?" he croaks, his voice questioning.

I realise that with only the moonlight as a source of light, he most likely can't see me properly.

I try to just shuffle past, he sighs.

"I know it's you, only you wear that horrendous perfume" he rolls his eyes.

"Hey, my perfume isn't horrendous," I retort.

He smirks, "So it is you."

I choose to not answer as I get ready to make a run for it.

He grabs my wrist before I can climb two steps up the staircase and immediately let's go.

"Geez Sharma, you're freezing" he grunts.

"No I am not" I am definitely freezing.

He stares at me sternly.

"Besides, why do you know what perfume I use?" I mutter, trying to change the subject.

He keeps looking at me and shakes his head slightly, "It's the same perfume you used back in high school, you still smell the same" he closes his eyes, as he breathes in, "lilies."

I can't read his expression but I become aware of how intimate this conversation has gotten all of a sudden.

I swallow nervously, "Didn't we decide to only talk whenever necessary."

He ignores me as he pushes a steaming cup towards me, one I'd failed to notice until now, "Drink up"

"You're dreaming if you think-" I begin.

He cuts me off, "I'm not asking Sharma, I'm telling you" he speaks slowly, emphasising each word.

I grit my teeth but snatch the cup out of his hand, grumbling under my breath.

He seems satisfied, "Besides, it's boring not talking to you, where else can a man find enjoyment when his favourite little piglet is just so teasable" he smirks.

"Piglet?!" I yell, stomping his foot.

He easily dodges it, "Tsk tsk, looks like the tiny little piglet is angry" he grins.

"Call me a piglet again Rahul, I dare you" I look him in the eye.

"Piglet" he slowly rolls the word on his tongue.

I grumble as I make to hit him again, only for him to easily dodge it, "You forget Sharma, you've always been this violent, I know all your attacking tendencies by now" he smiles, accomplished.

My face burns in frustration, "Well then, you and your drink can shove off, I'm not drinking it" I scoff as I start to walk away, placing the cup on the windowsill.

He pulls me back by the collar of my kurti, turning me around to face him.

A hint of his smug smile is still present on his lips, "I'll punch that smile away if you don't stop" I threaten him coolly.

"And here I was thinking you'd gotten more mature" he grins even wider.

I decide to kick his shin, and somehow he grins even wider, "Still as feisty too I see."

"I am not drinking from your cup Rahul" I grumble as I try to pry his hand off my collar.

He lifts it slightly higher, only my toes touch the ground now as I try to free myself from his grip, "Quit struggling and drink, you're still short, stop trying to fight, I'll only lift you higher if you don't cooperate."

"I'm not short, you just got taller" I swing a fist at him, hoping it connects with his face, it does and he drops me.

"Yes-, ahh, let me go" I've barely landed on my feet again before he twists me around and grips my hands behind my back.

"You" he begins, "As impressive as that punch was, you still can't leave until you drink this coffee."

I groan, "I want to sleep, go away."

"You're going to get sick if you don't warm up soon," he warns.

He has a point but when do I ever listen to Rahul Khanna this easily.

"I don't want to drink out of a cup you were just drinking out of" I scoff.

"You drank from the spiked punch bowl at that horrid ball we had back at school, which god knows what the students spiked it with, drinking from the same cup as me isn't anywhere near as bad as that, so quit arguing."

Okay so he has a point.

I bite my lip as I think of my options, he is rude enough to keep me here all night if I don't listen to him, and the coffee smells heavenly, the warmth of the cup had unthawed my cold fingers, it would be enough to warm me up.

I groan, "Okay, I'll drink it, let me go before I kick you again."

He lets go of my hands as he thrusts the cup in my hand, "Drink."

I glare at him but accept the cup, he twists it around in my hand, "Drink from this side, I drank from the other one."

I take a sip and immediately look up at him again.

"This is a caramel latte," I ask him, surprised.

"Yeah and?" He looks at me confused.

"Since when did you start drinking it?" I ask surprised.

He seems to have finally realised something, "Since always" he grumbles as he turns around to walk away.

"No you haven't, you used to like your coffee black" I recall.

He doesn't turn back around as he continues walking upstairs.

I stand there by the window, with his cup stained with my lipstick.

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