Chapter 22

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Tina's giggling like a teenager who's just made eye contact with their hallway crush.

I groan and slump my head on the bed, the embroidery on the lehenga in front of me getting stuck in my hair.

"Oww" I wince as Tina makes to untangle it from my hair during her fits of laughter.

I roll my eyes as Tina resumes her laughing as soon as my hair is detangled.

She wipes her eyes and quietens down, "You're like a character from a young adult book, with two boys pining over her."

I sigh, "Tina, for the 4th time, Rahul does not like me."

Her eyebrow rises slightly, "I was thinking of Dev first and then Rahul, seems like someone is on your mind."

I roll my eyes yet once again, "I barely know Dev."

"And yet he has taken a keen interest in you" Tina states matter of factly.

My eyebrows knit together as I bite my bottom lip lightly because it is true.

Dev Malhotra had taken an interest in me.

Dev was a childhood friend of Tina's, as part of the elite circle, he was as close to family as one could be. Dev's father and Tina's father had gone to the same university and had been inseparable ever since. Which meant that occasional visits to one another's houses, drinking together or simply having surprise get togethers became a tradition that was carried through even after the two wed and had children. This also meant that Tina and Dev were close and only had the best of intentions for one another.

And so it comes as no surprise that Tina has taken to talking up Mr. Dev Malhotra to me.

"Still, I find it hard to believe that he's so smitten with me instantaneously" I insist, folding a gold trimmed lehenga and hanging it back in the closet.

"Well it was love at first sight then" Tina replies, walking over to me with the heavily embroidered dupatta of the lehenga.

"You don't believe that" I mutter, shaking my head slightly.

"Yeah but you do" Tina retorts.

"I do not, attraction at first sight yes, but not love, never love" I reply almost immediately.

Tina grins, "I know" she sighs, then leans back slightly on a shelf next to the closet, "I just want what's best for you Anjali, I know you're not exactly interested in Rahul and despite my regular nagging, I've never pushed you to do something that would make you uncomfortable but now that Dev is here and interested, I hope you do consider him."

"Tina I-" I've barely begun talking when she lifts up a hand to stop me, "Let me finish, you can throttle me after."

I sigh but give her an encouraging look.

"You've been through a lot Anjali, I've seen you brave things I never would've survived, I truly just want you to be happy. I'm not sure about you but I've seen the things Rahul has done for you, and yes, although his executions of certain...ideas or his way of expressing his care may be a bit...untoward, but I do truly believe he has no ill intentions. I know how hesitant you've been about Rahul, which is why I'm hoping you'll give Dev a chance. I've known him all my life Anjali, he's a really good guy, he's also pretty much close to your ideal, I know him and I know he'll make you happy" she clutches my hands as she stares at me earnestly. I know Tina only has the best for me in mind.

"I don't have an ideal" I mutter.

"Well I'm pretty sure everything you've ever appreciated in a man are qualities that Dev has."

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