Chapter 13

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"I can't" I tell Tina for the 53rd time this morning.

"But you can and in fact you will" she states matter of factly.

"But I don't want to" I brush past Tina and stack my textbooks on the top shelf of my locker.

"It's just one night Anjali and aunty said yes too" she whines, walking closer to me.

"And I have assignments due so...yeah, it's going to be a no from me" I say, pulling at the strap of my bag that got stuck in one of the locker door hinges.

"What assignments?" Tina asks, arms crossed over her chest.


"Which you have already done" she refutes.

Drat. I forgot that I told her about finishing my draft early.

"Maths then."

"We finished the last assignment a week ago, I don't recall another assignment."

Ahh, I forgot she's in my AP maths class, I scramble for another excuse.

"Well I'll have something due that day" I say, still tugging at the strap, it was really stuck in the hinge apparently.

"Hey" Tina pouts, "That's so unfair, you know I only like you, you'd really make me suffer by going there alone and being stuck with girls like Ryley who only care about who got into whose pants."

I feel guilty but I won't be so easily swayed, "I can't Tina, you know how awkward I am, there would be no point in me going anyway. You'll find me sulking and grumbling in a corner all night."

She walks next to me, peeking at me from the other side of the locker door, "You'll have me, please Anjali."

Perhaps it's because she's sensed my resolve softening but she clasps her hands together, giving me her best puppy dog eyes, "Please, please, please."

"Tina" I sigh as I shake my head, feeling my own resolve shaking, I tug at the strap one last time, and to my surprise it comes loose. I did not expect that, I lose my balance, tumbling backwards but before I can crash to the ground, I feel strong, warm arms wrapping themselves around my waist securely. Tina gasps from somewhere next to my locker, I look up to see Rahul looking back at me. My own arms are wrapped around his arm, as an attempt to save my skull from hitting the ground.

He chuckles, "Woah there, don't need you falling for me like this", his dimples still visible as he looks at me with an amused expression.

"As if" I scoff, I punch his arm, as I realise he's still holding onto me, "Let go of me" I threaten him.

"Are you sure?" he asks, his brows knitted together. As if I was enjoying being in his arms.

"Yes, now let go before I bite your arm" I seethe.

He gives me a look, "Talk about being ungrateful, fine then" he replies before letting go of me.

I barely have time to process anything, but the next moment I'm on the floor, a stinging pain at the back of my butt and thighs from the fall, my body sore, "Jerk" I hiss, staring up at him as he looks down at me, trying to hold back a laugh.

Apparently Tina is even worse than him, I hear low snickers before she breaks into loud laughter.

I wince as I try to stand up, Rahul has his lips pressed together in an attempt to hold back his snickers, he bows down slightly, extending his hand to me. I swat it away, pulling myself up on my own.

Tina is starting to calm down slightly, her laughter is stilling down to little smiles which gradually switch to choked back chortles. I roll my eyes, trying to downplay my embarrassment, "What do you want, Khanna?"

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