Chapter 18

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Lana is glaring at me.

I place another blouse in the open suitcase, only for Lana to throw it back out.

"Anjali" she starts, trying to control the anger in her voice, "Why did you defer the project?"

I can't bring myself to respond, I focus on folding a pair of brown pants instead.

She snatches the pants out of my hands, unfolding them again.

I sigh as I sit at the edge of my bed, rubbing my temple.

"Will you look at me?" she seethes, and then adds, "What's going on, I thought we both decided that we would do this project as soon as possible and get it out of the way, then why the deferment?"

I sigh again, "Lana, Lana listen to me."

She finally stops grumbling and looks away sulking.

My head is a mess of emotions right now, still unsure of what I'd read a few days ago, I almost keep thinking that the envelope is something I dreamt up but then ma would walk in every few hours questioning how my packing was going and then I'm reminded all over again that the invitation is very much real.

I pick at a thread on the suitcase, unsure of how to begin.

I can hear Lana grumbling, it's obvious she's still mad.

"Tina's getting married" I whisper.

Lana almost immediately goes quiet, the room is completely quiet, I can hear the little bluebird that nests in the tree next to my balcony chirping.

"Oh" Lana breathes.

She hesitantly scoots over to me.

"Is it with someone you know?"

"It is" I mumble, still unable to believe it myself.

I'd told Lana about Tina and all that I could bring myself to muster up about my past life in New York, she didn't know about Jai and I wanted to keep it that way.

"When will you leave?" she folds up the pair of brown pants she'd previously yanked out of my hand.

"Tomorrow" I say.

She nods her head, "I'm assuming you'll stay a while?"

I nod, "Around a month at least, could be more."

She smiles, "Good, it's about time you made up with Tina, she really cares about you, you know?"

I give her a smile, but it feels forced.

Tina and Lana had talked a few months back, Tina had called me and I was in the queue to buy Potato on a stick. I'd left my phone on the table Lana and I were sitting at. Lana had watched it ring and upon seeing the caller ID, she'd picked up hesitantly. I'd told her about Tina by then.

Tina and Lana had become good friends after that, with Lana continuously trying to patch up the awkwardness between me and Tina ever since.

"You sound just like my mother" I roll my eyes.

"And are we wrong?" she interjects, staring at me amusingly.

"Ugh whatever" but I can't stop the smile from creeping up on my lips, I feel as if a burden has been lifted off my shoulders.

— — — — — —

Ma and Pammi aunty are fretting over my luggage, stuffing what had to be the 50th gift for Tina inside.

I look at the suitcase in concern, "I'm not sure that suitcase can fit anything else in there" I point to the 3rd suitcase they'd helped me pack.

Pammi aunty waves her hand at me as she brings forth a 4th suitcase, "That's okay, we've already paid for extra luggage."

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