Chapter 38

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Pammi aunty places a delicate necklace around my neck.

"This is too much aunty, I could never accept such an expensive gift-" I protest.

"Shh, don't worry about it" she sits next to me, "When Zain was born both Vikram and I decided when it was time for him to get married, we'd have a grand and boisterous wedding." She looks out the window of my room that overlooks the backyard and the Tennis court. "Alas, my husband isn't around to see our son getting married anymore but I want to marry him off in the same lively manner regardless" she turns to look at me, smiling.

I smile back, seeing this side of Pammi aunty for the first time, it finally hits me how difficult it would've been for her, to raise her son alone, and to live a life of memories and dreams. I look at the mirror as I trace the diamonds on the necklace with my finger, a feeling of responsibility bearing down on me.

— — — — — — — —

I am packing the suits Pammi aunty got me into a trunk when my phone rings somewhere around me.

I rummage through the blanket on my bed until I find my phone, I pick up the call.

"Hello, yes, this is Anjali...oh, oh of course, I'd be more than happy to, ...yes of course, you can send through the email and I will look through it. Okay thank you, have a good day" I sit down on my bed once I've hung up, overjoyed.

My heart is beating fast in my chest and I don't know what to do.

I get up from my bed finally and run down the stairs.

"What has happened, why are you sprinting down in such a hurry" ma says aloud as she looks up at me descending the stairs readily.

"I've got the interview" I yell.

"Interview...?" ma and Pammi aunty glance at each other before they finally turn to look at me.

"Which company did you hear back from?" Pammi aunty exclaims joyfully.

"Yeah, is it the one in London or somewhere else?" ma smiles at me.

"New York!" I exclaim gleefully, out of all the places I'd applied at, the companies I was really waiting to hear back from were in New York and one in London, including another back in the States.

Ma smiles, resuming folding the rest of the laundry that was sprawled out on the couch.

Pammi aunty claps her hands. "Oh I'm so excited for you Anjali, I know you'll do amazing!"

I laugh, overjoyed beyond anything.

"It's still an interview phase aunty, oh but I hope I get in" I beam as I hug Pammi aunty dearly.

"Get in where?" Zain asks as he walks into the living room, placing the fertiliser bags on the floor with a thud.

He walks over to us before anyone can reply, "Oh and ma I brought the fertilisers you asked me to, I'll get Tim to set them up as you like".

"Oh forget about that" Pammi aunty laughs, "Anjali's gotten an interview from New York!" she replies excitedly.

Zain looks at me and smiles, "You heard from New York?"

"Yeah" I beam, "I mean it's still an interview phase to see if I'll fit in but I'm hoping for the best" I look up at him shyly.

He smiles, "You'll do great, I know it" he kisses me on the forehead as he droops an arm around my shoulder lazily, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get ice cream to celebrate."

— — — — — —

Breathe in. Breathe out.

No matter how much I try to calm down, it seems as if the air can't reach my lungs, my heart is thumping so loud in my chest I fear it might rip out.

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