Chapter 32

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"Do you have to go back?" Tina asks as she pulls out a saree from my bag for the third time.

"Yes" I give her a small smile, "I have to get back to complete my degree and finish up the project I delayed for your wedding" I flick her forehead.

The sindoor in her hair part is still surprising to me, "I still can't believe you're Mrs. Tina Mehra now. That you're married."

Tina smiles up at me, "Me too, I didn't think I'd be the first to marry."

I nod and continue packing, a comfortable silence falls over us as Tina sits at the edge of my bed, watching me pack my bag, still clutching my saree tightly in her hands.

I stop and then pull out a small box from a sectioned compartment of my bag.

Tina perks up slightly as I offer the box to her.

"What's this? I thought you already gave me the 50 something gifts your mum sent" she laughs.

I don't say anything and just give her an encouraging smile.

She opens it and a singular token sits in the tiny cushioned box.

My heart thrums as I wait for her to say something, wait for a look of recognition to pass over her face.

And then it does.

And when it does, I'm back to the very day I'd gotten that token 8 years ago, when Tina and I had just become friends.

It was our first time hanging out outside of school.

We'd gotten ice cream in the 14 degree weather and our noses had gone red. We'd watched a movie neither of us could even remember the name of. Eaten at the small cafe tucked away in a secluded alleyway. And then we'd gone to an arcade.

We had played a few games and on our way out, I'd wanted to cash in my tokens for a prize and had been a token short. And Tina had given me one of hers. She had wanted something too and yet she had given it to me without a second thought. I had gone home with a seal keychain rather than the bear diary I'd wanted. It was only a simple token but I knew then that I'd hold onto her forever, and would do anything for Tina. I knew then that she'd always be the one person I'd love and care for. I'd held onto that one token ever since. 

"It's about time I gave it back" I laugh as I watch Tina holding onto the box with both hands, cherishing it.

She looks up at me, eyes brimming with tears, she chokes back a sob and hugs me, laughing in the crook of my neck, "You're so stupid."

And just like that, she let me go, placing the saree back in my bag like it'd initially been.

Saying goodbye to Dev was somehow even worse, despite just meeting him, letting him go was harder because we both knew we'd never really talk again. It would be easier that way.

Dev doesn't say anything but I can see it in his eyes, a strange emptiness that wasn't there when we first met.

And in that moment so much of me is reflected in his eyes, some people really aren't good for us.

— — — — — —

I check my suitcases one last time before closing the trunk.

Tina insisted on dropping me to the airport, I lean against the back door of the black SUV, waiting for her to walk out of the haveli.

I'm trying to dig out my phone out of my jean pocket when Robbie walks up to me.

Robbie and I haven't really talked as much, never developed a reasonable level of comfort with each other to be able to call each other a friend.

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