Chapter 47

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There was a night, a long time ago that lives in my heart, a corner that I had since forgotten about. Perhaps it was the first time I truly noticed him, truly saw him for who he was. And in his eyes, I saw a reflection of myself. Something about that moment forever etching itself into my heart.

I cannot recall the exact day or even much about what happened, only the cold unrelenting rain that had caught me by surprise on my way home from school remained clearly in my mind.

"I can't believe I forgot to bring an umbrella with me" I whispered under my breath, already drenched from the sudden downpour. I considered staying under one of the bus stop shelters, at least until the rain had stopped. But the cold, drenched clothes that clung to my body uncomfortably proposed just braving it in the rain. I was already wet, it would be better to just get home and take a hot shower than risk a possible cold staying under a bus shelter.

I had just wanted to check out some books from the library but had stayed longer than I wanted to, missing my bus home, I sighed, suddenly scared that the books might get wet in my bag. I was almost home, I reminded myself, keeping my gaze down at the ground to prevent the rain from getting in my eyes.

I saw it then. A blur of colour in the pouring grey of the rain. A weird pain shooting through my chest.

I blinked a few times, ensuring I wasn't seeing things, I hesitated for a second. My hold on the strap of my bag tightening, I considered walking away for a second, sighing as I finally stopped. I pressed a cold, rain soaked hand to my forehead, the blue jacket was much too familiar, it was our school uniform. I would just have a quick look, make sure that he was alright.

I think I tried to convince myself that it was someone else even as I walked towards him sitting on the pavement across the street from me. But I knew, even then, at a time where he didn't reside in my mind like he did now. I knew. Perhaps from his dark hair, or maybe from the way he sat, I couldn't see his face clearly and yet I knew. Rahul Khanna. It was him, it had to be.

"Rahul." I whispered, the pouring rain almost washing his name away from my mouth. It wasn't a question, not really. I can't recall why I said it like that. My own eyebrows twitching slightly as I'd said it, unsure of what I was trying to ask. He looked towards me, tilting his head up slightly. He looked annoyed I think, I can't properly recall, but he looked away, "What do you want?"

I'd instantly walked closer, "What happened?"

There was blood on his lips, on the corner of his mouth, a bruise on his cheek that was darkening already.

He didn't respond, just staring out over the trees by the road.

I sat down in front of him, plopping my bag on my bent knee.

He moved back slightly, "Go away Sharma"

"But-" I interjected, it was obvious he was hurt, and I had made my own assumptions about how, his reputation preceded him, I didn't know him like I do now.

"Did you get in a fight?" I asked, trying to pull the bandaids out from the small pocket in my bag.

He turned to look at me briefly, his eyebrows knitting together in annoyance, he looked like he would yell at me.

"If that makes you go away, then sure, you should leave, the rain seems like it's getting worse" his voice was cold, his eyes avoiding mine.

"I will" I replied monotonously, "just let me-" I think I reached out a hand to clean the wound by his lip.

He caught my hand in a swift motion, looking at me sternly, "Don't."

Perhaps it was the adrenaline but there was a boldness running through my veins that night, "No" I replied back, looking him right in the eye.

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