Prologue (Pt. 1): Memoires Lost. The forgotten Knight disappears

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You ever heard the term, victory with loss?

Welp now that phrase keeps echoing in my head ever since the defeat of queen beryl...

I still wonder why she did this...

(Flashback/Last Stand against queen Beryl)

After getting flung back from the battle field by queen beryl herself I could see Princess Serenity... My Sister... making a last stand against the dark kingdom.

Even from miles away I saw my sister though her own mind as if it were my own...

I saw the spirits of her friends as she echoed her final attack upon queen beryl and then...

She falls, into her own light as it spreads, consuming the dark kingdom, queen beryl, the other Senshi, and... my sister.

Strangely I was far enough away to be spared. But even though we won... it came at a cost...

I had to walk the entire way back as after the light absorbed my sister and her friends, it also took what power I had as Sailor Knight.

But that wasn't the worst part...

(Flashback Pause)

Oh that's right... I never introduced myself.

My name is (Y/N) Tsukino... well just (Y/N) again I suppose.

I'll explain that later...

I'm 17 years old at this point and I'm type-o blood

Yet i'm strangely stuck in Middle School given a long past of Earth that I had to learn

But I'm also the Sailor Warrior, Sailor Knight

I used to fight along side Sailor moon and her friends the Sailor Scouts

But I'm sorry to say that those days are gone...

(Flashback Resume/Juban District/A few days later)

It took me a while to make it back but I did

But I was amazed to see that everything looked like it was back to normal

That was until I tried to reunite with my sister...


(Y/N): You'd never think the dark kingdom had invaded...

I kept walking through Juban until I see Usagi

(Y/N): USAGI!!!

I then run over to her as she sees me

Usagi: oh hi?

(Y/N): I'm glad to see your alright

Usagi: ummm... do I know you?

(Y/N): ... don't you recognize me Usagi?

Usagi: ...

???: Hey Usagi!

I look over and see Usagi's friend, Naru calling for her.

Usagi: Oh! Coming Naru!

She then walks off leaving me like an old book collecting dust

Naru: who was that guy?

Usagi: I don't know, some weirdo I guess... he even knew my name could you believe it?

They then walk away chatting on and on as I just stood there as the wind blew by me...

(Y/N): Usagi... *A tear rolls down my eye*

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