Chapter 13: Sailor Gold Heart and Iris Heart's attack. Hyper Sailor Moon Awakens

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After hearing from Histoire that IF and Compa had been captured, I transformed and rushed to the farm where they were being held captive

But upon arrival... I wish I hadn't come as the farm fields were full of eggplants

More memories resurfaced but I kept my sanity as I arrived only to see IF tied to a post with Arfoire, Ail, and Ann guarding her

But there was no sign of Neptune or my sister

Just Purple Sister who was on the ground in tears with eggplant monsters surrounding her and Plutia

Just before they could attack I rushed in and sliced the monsters into slices as they vanished into pixels

Purple Sister then looked up to see me as I kept my guard against the next wave of Eggplant monsters

Purple Sister: ...(Y/N)?

Sailor Gold Heart: Are you alright? And where's Neptune and Usagi?

Purple Sister started to tear up as I looked to Arfoire, Ail, and Ann who were now laughing

Ann: You're too little too late

Arfoire: Your precious CPU is plant food

Ail: As is your dim witted Sailor Guardian

I looked over in fear only to see a pile of Eggplant Monsters with Seedplin floating over them

Seedplin: SEEDPLIN!!

Purple Sister started to cry as Arfoire, Ail, and Ann started laughing again

But I couldn't hear any of it as more memories of my past arose

Until... I finally snapped

My eyes then went red again as I angrily looked to the three villains with nothing but bloodlust

Sailor Gold Heart (Angry): I'm gonna make you pay...

I then was about to rush at them when suddenly a loud slamming sound echoed across the farm

I then angrily looked towards the source to see a crater underneath Plutia

I then noticed her downcast face as all eyes were suddenly on her

Plutia: That's enough of that...

She then looked up to Arfoire, then to me

Plutia: I'm getting angry too...

Suddenly she stomped her foot on the Neptune plush she had made and previously slammed to the ground giving a gasp to Arfoire

Then she kept slamming her foot into it as Seedplin started to aim her sights at her as Plutia looked to it as well

Plutia: You should be ashamed. Why would you go so far? To bully poor Iffy, Neppy, and Usagi?

Arfoire: Huh?! I'll do what I want with her! She's my hostage after all!

Ail: and theres nothing you can do to save your guardian and CPU now

Plutia: I get what you are saying but that's not very nice

Ann: Now Seedplin attack her next!

Seedplin: SEEDPLIN!!!

Seedplin then charged at Plutia who still didn't move

Plutia: Okayyy...

Purple Sister: PLUTIA!

Sailor Gold Heart (Snapped): Oh no you don't!!!

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