Sailor Chapter 2: The Return of the Scouts. A new Knight dawns.

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(Juban/TV Studio)

After trying to make it back out of the TV studio after Naru went in for auditions, Usagi only found herself right back at the audition room

Usagi: Oh Dear!

Luna: What are you doing? We're right back where we started! *Sigh*

Usagi: I can't help it! This place is so big and confusing it's hard to tell where I've been not to mention where I'm going!

Luna: Great... we're completely lost!...

Usagi then looked around but noticed something else

Usagi: Say wait a minute... we lost Neptune as well!

(Meanwhile/Inside the audition set)

Neptune POV

Neptune: Great... now I've lost my way...

Neptune had unintentionally wandered into the audition area not knowing Naru or the other scouts were in there... Yet...

Croire: You just had to take a wrong turn didn't ya?

Neptune: It's not my fault this place is so big

Croire: Yeah, yet you get too easily distracted

Neptune: Low blow Crostie

Suddenly Neptune heard screams coming from somewhere on the audition set of what looked like an ancient ruin

Croire: Sounds like trouble

Neptune: Right!

Neptune then rushed over to the noise to see an unconscious Naru and four other girls being attacked by another monster which they seemed to be trying to hold off from a dead end

Neptune then rushed over to the noise to see an unconscious Naru and four other girls being attacked by another monster which they seemed to be trying to hold off from a dead end

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But just like last time Neptune was in awe rather than fear

Neptune: Oooooh another one to put in my specimen book

Just as the monster was about to attack them Neptune then bounced in between them and the monster

Neptune: Hey now you shouldn't go harming other ladies like this...

???: Mino?!

Neptune: Besides you'll make a great new addition to my specimen book

Croire: I thought you were collecting bugs?! Why monsters now?!

The girls wondered who said that but couldn't find the source

Neptune: Oh come off it Crostie, I always collect anything rare

Croire: Oh brother...

???: Mino!!!!!

The monster then extends its horns toward her but she jumps out of the way to the amazement of the other girls

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