Final Chapter: The End of the Beginning. The Scouts return Home

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White... That was all I saw as I opened my eyes after we defeated Goddess Atari and Queen Metalia

I looked around seeing nothing but a white void all around me as if nothing existed

I then called out in the hope that someone would respond

(Y/N): Vert?! Blanc?! Noire?! ... *sniff* Neptune...

At this point, I started crying as I realized my worst fear was true and that the CPUs and Hyperdimension were gone

But I then called out again fearing my friends and sister were gone too

(Y/N) (Meakly): Usagi...

I then cried even more now realizing I was fully alone once again

That was until I heard my name

???: (Y/N)?!

I turned around and saw Usagi and the other scouts back in their civilian forms accompanied by Luna and Artemis

I gasped and ran over and tackled Usagi into a hug

(Y/N): You're all OK!

They all nod as they looked around like I did earlier

Makoto: Where are we though?

Ami (Donning her Supercomputer): I'm not sure but it appears we're in some sort of void

Usagi (Starting to freak out): Don't tell me we went beyond the grave again!

Minako: I don't feel dead

Artemis: There has to be some way we can escape here

Rei: I can't sense any way out

Usagi: B-but there has to be a way out! I mean what about Neptune and the other goddesses?! Perhaps they're...

(Y/N): Usagi... *Sniff* I don't think they survived either...

Usagi started to cry like I was since she had grown fond of the CPUs since they ended up in Hyperdimension

Especially given the hidden past memories of Silver Millennium that were revealed to us

Usagi: But they can't be gone... they can't *Crys*

Luna: Usagi...

I then thought of something that made me more upset

(Y/N): This is all my fault

Minako: No way!

Rei: This was Goddess Atari and Metalia's fault, not yours

(Y/N): But it was mine that got you all into this mess!

The scouts looked at me shocked at what I had said as I started to cry

(Y/N): If I hadn't left Tokyo... and left you all behind... None of this would have happened

Usagi then hugged me as she felt bad for me

Ami: Don't blame yourself for that

Makoto: There's no way you would have known this would have happened

Minako: Besides if you hadn't left... that hidden past of us and the goddesses probably would've been hidden away forever...

(Y/N): I should have never left Juban. I wish... I wish we could go home again *Cries even more into Usagi's shoulder*

Usagi held me tighter as she felt sympathy for me

Usagi: *Sniff* So do I

Everyone looked at me and Usagi with sadness when suddenly the Legendary Golden Crystal as well as the Legendary Silver Crystal began to brightly glow around us

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