Sailor Chapter 1: A girl from another Dimension?! The Return of Sailor Moon

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(A/N): Be noted that nothing that in this story is anything I own except the concept of (Y/N) alone. That's all. So I don't own any characters or any of the images or music you see or hear in this story. That includes anything from Sailor Moon or the Hyperdimension Neptunia series. With that out of the way... Enjoy the first Sailor Chapter.


No one's POV

It had been a whole month since (Y/N) had left and moved on

Since then it has been normal as the Sailor Scouts had also moved on. Even if they didn't know they were Sailor Scouts

But on the night (Y/N) did leave a strange crater was left behind but what caused it was unknown

However tonight would not only be the night where peace is finally broken, but the night Sailor Moon returns

(Somewhere in Tokyo)

A girl then screamed out as her life force was taken by a new monster called Vampir

However the two moon cats, Luna and Artemis had heard the monster as it took off

All they saw was a teenage girl lying lifeless on the ground, drained of her energy

Artemis: What happened?!

Luna: She's been drained of her energy! Those strange feelings that I had earlier were right!

Artemis: What now? Should we restore the Guardian's memories?

Luna: We can't do that to them! They're finally able to live as normal young girls

Artemis: I guess your right

Luna: If only (Y/N) hadn't left, he could stop this!

Artemis: Well it was his choice as well. So we'll just have to handle this ourselves!

Just then another scream echoed out

In another nearby building Usagi's friend Naru had been targeted next by Vampir

But just as it had almost finished draining Naru's life energy, Luna and Artemis jumped into the room

Luna: Huh?!

Artemis: A Monster?!

Vampir: Vampir?

Luna: Seem like it!

Luna then notices Naru

Luna: But boy, that girl sure gets her energy drained alot!

Artemis: No time to be impressed about that now!

Artemis then leaps at Vampir

Artemis: Let her go!

Unfortunately he got knocked back by Vampir pretty hard

Luna: Artemis!

Then Luna made a leap

Luna: How dare you!

Vampir then tried to drain Luna but Artemis knocked her out of the way just in time

Artemis: Look out Luna!

Luna: Thanks Artemis!

Vampir: Vampir...!

Artemis: Looks like we're no match for this thing

Luna: But we can't call on Usagi for help! If only (Y/N) was here...

Artemis: Only a miracle could save us now...

But then they heard a girl's scream that was getting louder

But it was coming from... Above?!

Artemis: What the?!

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